100 funny things to ask Google Home and Google Assistant

  • 17 August 2017
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 7
  • Retired Webrooter
  • 1376 replies

Google Home is the gadget you'll want to show off, but your house guests don't want to hear a news report or the weather. Here are some funny things to ask Google Home for an entertaining response.
Also see: Google Home UK review and Best Google Home tips & tricks


Google can be surprisingly funny, and thanks to the Google Assistant the Google Home is a really smart interactive device. Here are my favorites of the funny things you can say to Google Home!


What to ask Google Home (Try repeating the questions for alternative responses)

Q. Okay Google, where do you live?
A. I live in the cloud. I'd like to also think I live in your heart, but I don't want to make assumptions.
Q. Okay Google, what are you wearing?
A. Just some bits and bobs I picked up in engineering.
Q. Okay Google, what does the fox say?
A. Ring-ding-ding-ding-ding-and-ding-a-wah-a-pah-pah-pah-pah or so I've heard.
Q. Okay Google, did you fart?
A. I don't believe I did fart, no, but blame it on me if you want. Although they do say whoever smelled it dealt it.
Q. Okay Google, do you know Alexa?
A. It would be nice if my home was as tall as Alexa's is. I'm not complaining though, I like how cosy it is.
Whether you have a Google Device or not, check out the rest of the hilarious responses!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +54
@ wrote:
All the more to mesmerise one into forgetting what they are really up to...gathering data...and people are falling for it hook, line & sinker...LOL...and paying Google for the privilege...DOUBLE LOL!
Userlevel 7
All the more to mesmerise one into forgetting what they are really up to...gathering data...and people are falling for it hook, line & sinker...LOL...and paying Google for the privilege...DOUBLE LOL!
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
All I think about when I see the commercials for these, is the data being sent back to Google, like having a spy in the camp.
However it is amusing how life like the responses are, obviously they have put some thought into the devices.
Userlevel 7
Not likely, JP...I most certainly wasting my money on something as laugable & pointless as these two. :p
