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11 open source security tools catching fire on GitHub

  • 5 September 2014
  • 0 replies

By Paul Krill, InfoWorld, September 4, 2014




The famous tenet "all bugs are shallow" is a cornerstone of open source development. Known as Linus's Law, the idea that open code leads to more effective bug detection in a project is often the first thing IT pros think of when it comes to the security upside of the open source model.

Now, thanks to popular code-sharing sites like GitHub, the open source community is increasingly aiding other organizations in securing their own code and systems, offering a wealth of security tools and frameworks for malware analysis, penetration testing, computer forensics, and more.

Following are 11 essential security projects showcased on GitHub. Any admin interested in more secure code and systems should check them out.


InforWorld/ slide show here/

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