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detected these threats , damon ?

  • 3 March 2014
  • 9 replies

I read a news about new virus .


MD5 :









now webroot can detected these threats ?


Thank You .

Best Regards ,

Hi durantash


If you are looking to notify of  new threat that the researches at Webroot would be interested in or you want to know as to whether WSA will detect/protect against such a potential threat then your best bet is to open a Support Ticket and ask the question or provide the information to them.


They are the only ones who can authoritatively comment/reply, IMHO.






Can you post the article about this infection? One of the files is a system driver (.sys) that has only been seen on one PC and only 2 AV vendors have marked it.
Thank you I will research this first thing tomorrow morning
Thank You Dear ,
Baldrick, can I ask what a VoodooShield v1.30 Beta is?
These threats have been classified as bad now. BTW these dont seem like anything new just variants of Zeus.
Hi Ssherjj


Sure, no problem...but as this relates to another security app that I use, and is off topic (but not to worry ;)) , I will respond in detail via PM, later today when I finish work.  I hope that is OK for you?





Yes of course..GREAT
