does windows 10 spy on you?

  • 1 January 2016
  • 2 replies

Does windows 10 spy on you and is it worth installing?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Hi Iggy-mcmuffin-09
Happy New Year...and welcome to the Community Forums.
The word 'spy' is an emotional one and it is best or better said that Windows 10 does send back data to Microsoft and more so than previous version did. Having said that one can turn off a number of the settings that control this 'reporting' (for want of a better word) and where one cannot do so easily there are now a number of freeware apps that will assit you in doing this by collecting and presenting the settings to you so you can easily decide what you want on and what you want switched off.
I cannot post the links to these tools as that is contrary to Community Guidelines but if interested please private message me and I would be happy to share them that way. ;)
Also, the good people at Webroot have put together this KB Article on Windows 10 which you may find enlightening.
Personally I find that the negatives outweigh the benefits of the new OS...but that is just me.
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
Badge +6
Windows 10 is certainly worthwile installing and yes what you call spying they call sending data back to microsoft. Read the kb suggested by Baldrick. On top of that i'd like to add that even when you do disable something that you have to be carefull as some windows updates may attempt to re-enable some features behind the screens (noticed it with Cortana myself )
