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Can anyone tell me if there's a way to prevent Facebook from accessing my pictures etc. to make these "Your Story of Friendship" videos?  Although they are quite nice I find it extremely creepy that they are trawling through my stuff and definately don't want them doing it.  Surely it breaks some kind of law, (although knowing the nature of FB, probably not)  Things seem to be getting very dicey where Facebook's concerned - anyone else thinking likewise?


Linda  :/ 
I've searched and haven't found a way to turn it off.  I think it's just information that is already on yours and their profile, but they just organize everything to show the connectsion you've had with them.
ok so you cant prevent facebook from looking at your stuff but you can prevent other people on facebook from looking at your stuff the problem with the facebook issue is when you created an account you have basicly given facebook permission to access your account but if you want to prevent the average person from looking at your stuff go into your account setting and make your profile private so only your friends can see your stuff. hopes this helps. 
You might be able to lock down the privacy, such as turning off the permissions for friends of friends to see anything. I'm not an expert on that area though.
Yeah I've searched about a bit but come up with nothing too. I just don't think they should be manipulating peoples sensitive info like this.
yes that is correct but you cannot stop facebook its self from looking at your stuff
There is no way to keep Facebook from creating those that I know of, but at least you are the only person that can see it (Unless you choose to share it).


There is a way but as I think was mentioned earlier in the thread it is all or nothing, which is not really very good.
That is right, you can only lock down everything to private so that ony you yourself has access to it and nobody else. When those messages come up and I have had several these last few days I just ignore them.



I am glad this question came up actually because it made me check up on it but if you click on that dotted tab beside the Activity Log it gives you the option of seeing at a specific friend OR the public. Well I checked my public view and there were several pics which were on view from when I have updated my cover photo etc.

To stop that in case any one does not know:

Click on the right hand arrow on the top of the FB screen. Click on settings then on the next screen you need to click on Privacy on the right hand side and select Limit Past Posts and after reading carefully confirming the action.


Yeah, already doing that thanks j
