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Google Addresses Glass Privacy Concerns

  • 19 May 2013
  • 2 replies

"Privacy concerns surrounding Google Glass are growing rampant. Eight Congressmen even joined in on the conversation on Thursday, fearing that the cyborg-like technology could be too invasive.

Google's response: You'll know when someone wearing Glass is being sketchy.

In one of the most provocative moments of this week's Google I/O developers conference, Glass engineers fielded audience questions regarding privacy concerns. Google was clearly prepared to discuss the topic."


Full Article


While I am glad that Google is addressing concerns, I am not convinced:


""If I want to record a video with Glass, I have to be staring at you," said Mendis. "And if you're human, you'll notice me staring at you.""


Really?  My head turned in your general direction but my eyes looking a bit to your side won't appear that I am staring at you... but the Glass will probably be picking you up just fine.


"Google has "experimented" with facial recognition, execs said at I/O on Thursday, but that isn't in the company's current plan for Glass. Still, Google stopped short of saying it's not infuture plans."


I am sure there are a lot of things that are not in the current plans in preparing for the retail release, but what about future upgrades and apps?




Overall, I am still of the opinion that Glass is not at this time welcome in my home or workplace, and Google's reassurances regarding privacy fall well short of reassuring me.


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
I agree!
"Overall, I am still of the opinion that Glass is not at this time welcome in my home or workplace, and Google's reassurances regarding privacy fall well short of reassuring me."
Userlevel 7
I am glad I am not the only one!
