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I think I have a virus, but the Webroot scan is not detecting anything. At least once a day, my laptop becomes possessed and does things like begins typing in all caps, highlights text, launches new internet pages in a separate window, etc. Does that sound like a virus? (My laptop did tip over once and took a tiny spill, so not sure if that could be the cause.) Please help. Thank you.
Hello pldem and welcome to the Webroot Community!


Chances are if the problems were being caused by a virus, the problems would be more continuous and not off and on as you seem to be describing.


When you say the laptop took "a little spill", do you mean that it fell, or has it had any liquid spilled on it?  Many of the things you describe could possibly be caused by damage to your keyboard.  


It certainly would not hurt to get a second opintion to make sure that your system is clear of malware, but you may have a hardware issue going on there instead.


Hopefully we will have another reply or two here from others.
Hi pldem,


@ wrote:

I think I have a virus, but the Webroot scan is not detecting anything.

I think that if it really was a virus, WSA would simply block it and the malware would not be able to do any suspicious activities;)

However, since the Webroot scan is not detecting anything, as you metnioned before, in my opinion, it's worth to make sure there is no virus by performing an on-demand system scan with a free version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

Of course if you decied to do so, please share the results with us.




Hey pldem -

Did the laptop start acting up after the spill or before? It could possibly be hardware related, but without physically looking at it, I could not tell you.

Have you tried running a deep scan from the Webroot console? Have you installed any toolbars or 3rd party browser addons?

We'd love to help you get this all figured out.
Hi, thank you so much for responding! Yes, it fell to the floor. I got a second opinion like you suggested and ran a free Malwarebytes Anti-Malware scan and it didn't find anything either. So looks like it could be hardware after all. There's quite a bit of dog hair under my keys, so maybe that's it! ;o) Someone else suggested it might be a toolbar or I'll keep investigating. Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your help!
Hi Miquell, thank you for responding and for your suggestion to do the free scan! I did that today and it did not find anything either. Looks like it might be a hardware problem. Thank you for your help! :o)


A couple years ago, when we had a new puppy in the house, my keyboard started acting up.  The space bar often would refuse to work, get stuck, or work only when hit in just the right spot.


I pulled it off, and found a baby puppy tooth mucking up the works!


Liquid spills can also make for some very interesting keyboard malfunctions  :) 


Let us know how it comes out, I will be very interesting to know if it was hardware, and if NOT, just what the issue was!
Hi Richard, thanks for your suggestions! It started acting up after the spill, but like 5 months afterwards. I did select the "scan my computer" button on the Webroot console, but not sure if that's the same thing as a "deep scan". And yes, I did accidentally install a Bing toolbar, but then deleted it. I need to research if I installed 3rd party browser addons... Those could do strange things to your computer?
So cute about the puppy tooth. Thanks David, I appreciate your support. I'll keep you posted if I find an answer. Have a nice night. :o)
Anything can do strange things to your computer.

One recommendation; backup your files to an external hard drive just in case.
Hi pldem,

@ wrote:

Hi Miquell, thank you for responding and for your suggestion to do the free scan! I did that today and it did not find anything either. Looks like it might be a hardware problem. Thank you for your help! :o)
You're welcome:D




