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Hello right now I'm just using the Hughes box to internet the firewall of windows is default and then some of no, because the people that were smart took over in the start had remote access from the start use my software had MARVENE/Marvene or the Marvenes had the Marvene Admin. x'd out I made a change they did one better. I had Frontier on the phone my internet company they couldn't see what was going on. Even after remote in,  They all think I'm nuts, but I'm not, They even took my WIFI and made it their's right in front of my eyes. Do they live down the road I think so. Since I've been off the internet they have been up and down the road all day. I was trying to get downloads and not getting them here, you can tell by that little bar how it loads up but it showed it was downloading. I've been terrerized for over 2 years what can I do? They are fast I can't even get in to chage the pass words etc. they have me beat to it. Can you help?


Little Voice on the edge of insanity :catsad:
Hello littlevoice,


My best advise is to contact your Internet Service Provider. Contact Hughes.

Sometimes Sattelite is very slow with downloads depending on your speed and sometimes the interfrence with the weather. Hughes can check out your speed and see if everything is working like it's suppose to.


Here's some Browser information if you would like to read it.


Many modern browsers will remember the pages you had open from the “last session” (ie, the last time you had your browser running before quitting the browser). Try turning this feature off. In Safari, open the preferences and click the General icon, then set the “Safari opens with” setting to “A new window.” In Chrome’s preferences, click the Settings link and change the “On startup” option to “Open the New Tab page”. In Firefox’s preferences, click the General icon and set the “When FireFox starts” item to “Show a blank page.”


If your browser was set to use a specific home page, rather than to re-open windows from the last session, then it’s possible that the page you have selected as your home page has been hacked (or contains an ad that has been hacked) to redirect you to another site Try visiting your home page manually, and if that causes a redirect to occur, the problem is with that site



Try resetting the router to factory defaults and set up your network again from scratch. If you don’t know how to do these things, see the manual for your wireless router for instructions. Or contact your internet provider to reset your Modem/Router.


If you have Webroot you can issue a Support Ticket and they can check things out for you.


Best Regards,
