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When will Windows Phone get Webroot because i'm worried about my new T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 635?


And i'm back! And i'm serious now ;)



I don't know of any plans to have it come to Windows phone, but I'll double-check.  Congrats on the new phone and welcome back!
Thanks dude 🙂
Another question: Does windows phone have Malware in their store
Not sure on that one.  I haven't read up on Windows phone much.

To be honest Nic I think that I can safely say that this has been an oft discussed subject and there are in fact a couple of feature requests open, and well commented on.  The consensus is that it is unlikely in the short term as malware is unlikely to penetrate/run under the Windows Phone OS as the kernel is locked down tight a la iPhone, etc.


This one is from TripleHelix:


Also the Windows Phone is relatively small currently and therefore as a market is probably not really viable...yet if there was a need.






Good to know, thanks Baldrick!
I've seen a lot of fake apps on android and windows phone, i don't feel safe but I don't like being locked down either
Well, Ryan, all I can honestly say to that is that you cannot have your cake and eat it...I have had a Windows Phone for a long time, and have never come across any malicious apps from the Windows Marketplace in all that time.


As for locking down the is a technique that is becoming more popular, and in fact MS do so in terms of some aspects of Windows 8...certainly more so than in previous OS versions.  In phone terms it just means that in practice your phone remains a phone rather than being able to be a pocket computer aswas the case with Windows Mobile, and Windows CE before what a pain that could be to the uninitiated (and I certainlynwas one who learnt that the hard way...LOL ;)) 
Ok :))))) so many chins lol
