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It says Subscription 756 days. Does that mean how many days are left for my subscription or that's how many days my subscription lasts all total? Does subscription mean that my Webroot will be working for the days I have left?
Hello babygirlchick9, welcome to the Webroot Community!


The Subscription showing on your software should be the number of days remaining on the current license, so in your case you will need to renew your license in 756 days.  :)  That sounds like you probably originally purchased a 3 year license almost 1 year ago if those numbers are correct.




Hi and welcome to the Webroot Community babygirlchick9.


Yes that is how many days are left on your subscription and yes that subscription means that Webroot will be working for all the days left.

I am assuming that you did look on your account via the tab on you PC

Thank you both very much :cathappy:
You are most welcome!  I hope you stay around, this is a great place to learn more about WSA, or just have some fun 🙂
I am glad we could help you. If you have any more questions do not hesitate to ask us.
OK, this is a wee bit embarrassing :$



Mine's blank. :@  Any ideas?
Hi Jeff


You have the 'Hide Keycode on Screen' setting checked (Advanced SettingsAcces Control...the last setting in the list).




































rofl... so I did, so I did... how'd you know? ;-D 229 days and counting!
Hey, Jeff


We have all done that...and then spent an inordinate mount of time missing the completely obvious...arggggghhhh, advanced settings...tread in there with a trail of breadcrumbs...LOL


Before I make any changes I usually do an Export of the current settings...just in case I am doing a Homer at that time...doh! 😳 But then at my needs all the help one can get.





mine just says "active"???  it doesn't say how many days.
If you log into your console it will show you the days remaining there.
