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Is there a registry repair in Webroot
Is there a registry repair tool in Webroot
Hi BethGia


Welcome to the Community Forums.


The answer to the question is 'No'...WSA is an antimalware application and not a System Utilities app, and as such does not include that sort of utility.


May I ask how you know that you have a need to repair the Registry? Is the issue due to a malware event on your system? If so and if you have an active WSA subscription then you may benefit from Webroot's free technical support provided as part of the WSA subscription.


You can check this out by Opening a Support Ticket, explaining your situation to the Support Team who can then will advise if they can assist, etc.


I should also add that there are a number of Registry Cleaning/Fixing apps out there, of varying degree of effectivity, and some of which are down right dangerous...and that messing with the Registry if one does not know what one is doing, even with the help of an app, is not recommended. 


Hope that helps?


Regards, Baldrick
