How not to get taken on Facebook

Userlevel 5
I have been on Facebook quite a few years and Admin a number of groups and Pages there.  I have learned to aviod the many pitfalls there are on Facebook.
1. Games.  Some of them will change your profile info.  Instead of being a US Navy Veteran the Game will change my info to 'Bubble Popper' or something else silly.  Some Facebook groups will not admit users with bogus info as such.  Games also collect personal info such as your email adress and sell it to spam vendors.  Wonder where all that spam email came from?
2. Tests and other apps.  Some of these tests that scan your profile and come up with a goofy answer also acess your password.  The most notorious app is the one that tells you who visited your profile.  Don't use it!  Some of these third party apps are how hackers get into your account.
3. Like farming.  This will take a little explanation:  Anyone who is on Facebook has seen those posts that say like, and type amen or type yes or something to effect.  That is called like farming.  Eventually the page or person hosting that post will change it and use it collect information on you for nefarious purposes.
4.  Boosting and Promoting Pages.  This has to be the worst scam of all on Facebook.  You have to pay 5 dollars to boost and post and 10 dollars to promote a post.  The boosting just shows flashy graphics and doesn't do a thing but get you fake likes--spambots.  Facebook has just taken your money and perhaps drawn spammers to your post.  Promoting draws spammers and bots.   A heavy load of fake likes causes people to start ignoring your page and Faceook drops it lower in the feed.  These buttons kill your page if you use them.  My advice is get an ad block tool and block off these bottons.  They are on every post you put up on your page like a minefield.

11 replies

Userlevel 5
agree, well said @,. welcome to the group. cheers.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
no offense, and I know I am generalizing, but you guys out there are not at all good at keeping in touch with or contact with family). And the weekly or less often  phone call to check in with one or two general statements ( Hi, what's new?  "Nothing much" How is .
..... ( Fill in the blank)?  " Fine"  Anything interesting happening? "Not really" -I give some information about my life and can feel the eyes glazing over-"Ok, gotta go. Love you. Bye")
FB pics, with or without brief comments are much more informative
 And for that I have to pay the price of being hacked, hijacked , phished, scammed etc
 I will get off my soapbox now. You can tell I am a Mom ?
Well said @, My thoughts exactly. I wish I could give you 1,000 Kudos for your post because that hit the nail on the head! ;)
Userlevel 2
I am very concerned about privacy but with my far flung family it has been the best way to keep in touch with those who I would have lost connections with ( children and grandchildren of neices and nephews or of friends and former neighbors. I rarely post but often do an emoticon just so they know I am still interested in their lives. When I do post, it is heartwarming to see the liked or hearts or whatever responses from them as well. I am still messing with Instagram which my no Facebook user family uses( no offense, and I know I am generalizing, but you guys out there are not at all good at keeping in touch with or contact with family). And the weekly or less often  phone call to check in with one or two general statements ( Hi, what's new?  "Nothing much" How is .
..... ( Fill in the blank)?  " Fine"  Anything interesting happening? "Not really" -I give some information about my life and can feel the eyes glazing over-"Ok, gotta go. Love you. Bye")
FB pics, with or without brief comments are much more informative
 And for that I have to pay the price of being hacked, hijacked , phished, scammed etc
 I will get off my soapbox now. You can tell I am a Mom ?
Userlevel 5
interesting post, thanks for sharing. should be posted on the site itself. thanks.
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
My solution however  guarantees to avoid any Facebook problems - don't join! :D
My thoughts exactly. Never have and never will join. ;)
Same here. I read somewhere that Facebook is one of the leading causes of divorce. I have a couple of friends where that was the case. I know it has lead to animosity among members of my own family due to the various political or social views that are thrown about ad nauseam. Personally, I just don't see the point. I think it creates more division than anything, not to mention all of the fake bull$#it on Facebook. I'd rather communicate with family and friends via email, texts and phone calls, or better yet, in person. Privacy is another huge consideration. Since Facebook is free then what they're monetizing is all of that data. Add to that facial recognition, getting tagged in photos, the ability to track friends and family, as well as the ability to track everything you do and, no thank you. I know that there are options to turn various features off, but are they really off? I know the alternatives like text and email are subject to security issues as well, I just feel (perhaps erroneously) they are much more private than Facebook.

While I like the idea that Baldrick has posted about Messenger, I feel I can accomplish the same tasks just using my Android's default text messaging app or email. Just my opinion, of course. ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +34
Thanks Baldrick - that's worth knowing. 😃
Userlevel 7
Hi Dave, Hi Nemo
Could not have put it better myself...except that if one wants to use Messenger (which one can do via the standalone app available) then one can register as a user, activate Messenger and then immediately disable/cancel anything to do with Facebook per se.
I was skeptical when told this but as the Family and key friends use this as a means of staying in touch I decided to try it...and by seems to work. I am invisible to Facebook but have the advanatge of being able to commuicate with the aforementioned.
Just a thought that may help some in my position. :D
Regards, Baldrick
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
My solution however  guarantees to avoid any Facebook problems - don't join! :D
My thoughts exactly. Never have and never will join. ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +34
My solution however  guarantees to avoid any Facebook problems - don't join! :D
PS. Just used the speller checker prior to posting and Lithium believes Facebook does not exist and suggests "notebook" of "handbook" instead! Perhaps Lithium is not that dumb after all!
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Very good advice  :D
Userlevel 7
These are awesome tips! Thanks so much for sharing @ :catvery-happy:
