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by: Jamie Cuevas


Have you ever been on a phone call you want to get off of but you can’t figure out a way out of the conversation? Dropped call to the rescue!

With iPhone, you can fake a dropped call from poor service by quite literally forcing the phone call to drop from a cellular connection or network connection. In other words, the call dropping is real, but the reason it drops is because you initiated it, not because of bad cell service or a network issue. Sneaky, eh?

Forcing a dropped call or call failure is achieved by using AirPlane Mode in a strategic manner, which disconnects all communication, wi-fi, cellular, Bluetooth, etc, on the iPhone, for as long as it is enabled.


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This might be a handy tool for all the cheating spouses out there. When you’re talking to your girl/boy friend and your spouse calls in the middle of your conversation. Drop the call on your friend. ROFLMHO


Almost made me spit out my coffee laughing wit that answer  above.  😆

I like this idea, but guess I will have to try and see how it differs from just hitting the end call button and saying it dropped.  Like mic drop, now we have call drop!

Oh, how disappointing. I was expecting something much more cool. Maybe an app that would cause the call to stutter first, and then drop it. Not something as simple as turning off the radios. But still, I guess this is better than just hanging up!

I am surprised someone thought this was necessary. What’s wrong with just ending the call and saying it cut off. Can’t see how the recipient could tell the difference.

In reality, the difference is a “call ended” vs a “call dropped” message. But I have no idea how they could cause the system to display a call dropped message if they just end the call. So I agree Russell. Just hit end. 

Glad it’s not just me then!

Hilarious. I also know a way around but that does not work anywhere therefore one needs to be in a quiet place. Just fake it and say hello hello repeatedly if you are not listening to the person on the call and then cut the call. 

“I’m going through a tunnel…”
