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I have a question regarding the little icons beside people's log in names.

  • 4 September 2015
  • 13 replies

For example, I have a microphone beside my log in for new voice. I tried to research what they all indicate and could find no definitions. I found 2 pages, 1 lists all of the ranks and the other has definitions but excludes New Voice.


Here are the pages




Does anyone know the definition of New Voice and is it a "new" listing so it just needs the definition updated?


new voice is like a new member who comments on posts and speaks to the community hope this helps.


Thanks Adam.
New Member, New Voice are the first two ranks within the Community.  Under the VIP program, they are not included as they are not a rank for which Webroot provides a small thank for participation.   Those begin upon reaching the third rank, Frequent Voice.


Thanks Adam. Appreciate at how swift you guys can type (and think).
Thanks David

I didn't notice it was a VIP Program. That explains it. Now, how do I move from Microphone to megaphone? I'm in no hurry, just curious.

Hi Theresa


Just make contributions to the Community by way of posts, new ideas, topics & providing solutions...they all count in different measure to increasing in rank.


But it is important to post sensibly and not like some who just seem to post for the sake of posting...LOL


Regards, Baldrick
the more you post and gets kudos. which is like facebook likes you more to the next rank also if you help someone with a Q's this goes towards your badges witch moves you to the next rank
you get badges like this which goes towards your ranks.

No, prince1011, it is not the badges that go towards your rank is as I said before a combination of posts, kudos, solutions, topics started & ideas started...the exact combination is not known to us and the award of rank is decided by the Community Management Team.


The badges are just, an indication rather then reason for, progress and therefore rank.


Please see the VIP Program page (here) for clarification.


Regards, Baldrick
I certainly don't want to waste volunteers' time. Being terribly new and making my share of off color remarks, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and I don't think that I have written anything inappropriate (or that couldn't be editted out l8r). I've been using Webroot for years and having had no issues, I didn't need to ask for help. I think it is the best anti-virus software on the market and I have tried many. It was the Windows 10 email that caught my attention and started my quest.


I hope that I can contribute to newcomers' queries in time as I do have a bit of knowledge. Thanks to all for being so quick and informational to my post.
Don't use Facebook. I know, probably the only Human on the planet. But I get the drift of it. Thanks
@tMc9072  your not wasting anyone times dont worry about it we are here to help with anything you need help with and we are please to comment to you. you are very welcome to the community i hope you enjoy and like the community.


Thanks Adam.
@ wrote:

I certainly don't want to waste volunteers' time. Being terribly new and making my share of off color remarks, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and I don't think that I have written anything inappropriate (or that couldn't be editted out l8r). I've been using Webroot for years and having had no issues, I didn't need to ask for help. I think it is the best anti-virus software on the market and I have tried many. It was the Windows 10 email that caught my attention and started my quest.


I hope that I can contribute to newcomers' queries in time as I do have a bit of knowledge. Thanks to all for being so quick and informational to my post.

Hi Theresa


I can assure you that you are not and that your remarks to date...IMHO ...have been fine. It takes time to find one's feet in a new place.


Glad to hear that yo are a long time WSA user and the fact that you have not been here before in realtion to WSA just says a lot about WSA and how good it is.


Anyway, as I have said before, please feel free to join in as and when y can...we all learn a little something new every day and we all try to help fellow best we can.


Regards, Baldrick

well said bladrick

