Internet giants band together to improve open source programs

  • 16 September 2014
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Author: Zeljka Zorz/ HNS Managing Editor/ Posted on 16 September 2014.
Additional founding members of the TODO group are Box, Dropbox, Square, Stripe, Twitter and Walmart Labs, but according to the NYT, the program has already been joined by 30 other companies.

"Open source is part of the fabric of each of our companies. Between us, our open source programs enable us to use, contribute to, and maintain, thousands of projects - both large and small," the group points out.

"These programs face many challenges, including ensuring high-quality and frequent releases, engaging with developer communities, and using and contributing back to other projects effectively."

"The group — whose name is a backronym for “talk openly, develop openly” — was formed to address the challenges that companies like ours have encountered in consuming open source software and running open source programs," James Pearce, head of open source projects at Facebook, has shared in a blog post.

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