Introducing Brotli compression in Microsoft Edge

  • 20 December 2016
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
December 20, 2016 10:00 am
By Microsoft Edge TeamBeginning with EdgeHTML 15.14986, Microsoft Edge supports Brotli as an HTTP content-encoding method. This change will be released to stable builds with the Windows 10 Creator’s Update early next year, but you can preview it now via the Windows Insider Program. With this release, Brotli will be broadly interoperable across browsers, with support in the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and Chrome.
Full Article:
Already in this Insider Build:

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +62
Great! That's exciting! Thanks for posting this article Daniel. It's neat to know that Windows Insider Preview 14986..has this already 😃
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Great! That's exciting! Thanks for posting this article Daniel. It's neat to know that Windows Insider Preview 14986..has this already :D

New platform features:
Userlevel 7
Badge +62
@ wrote:
@ wrote:
Great! That's exciting! Thanks for posting this article Daniel. It's neat to know that Windows Insider Preview 14986..has this already :D
New platform features:
I can't wait to set up my VM to run the Windows Insider again.;)
Userlevel 7
Hi Daniel, thanks for that...interesting to say the least.
And one to look out for in terms of up comings version...there seems to be a lot of focus on Edge at the moment...which is a good thing IMHO.
Regards, Baldrick
