Katherine the white shark crashes research site's servers

  • 20 June 2014
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By Lucas MearianJune 19, 2014 03:25 PM ET Computerworld - Like the real star of the movie Jaws, another white shark has taken on celebrity status along with dozens of others tagged with electronic tracking devices, so much so that visitors to a research site are crashing its servers.
The celebrity's name is Katherine, a 14-foot, 2,300-pound white shark (Latin name: carcharodon carcharias) that was tagged off Cape Cod last August. She was named by researchers from OCEARCH after Katherine Lee Bates, a Cape Cod native and writer of the patriotic song "America the Beautiful."
ComputerWorld/ full read here/ http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9249240/Katherine_the_white_shark_crashes_research_site_s_servers

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