I keep getting “Your McAfee subscription has expired” Pop-Up. It is no doubt malware. Scanned computer but it didn’t catch anything. How do I get rid of it? Internet says it is a “phishing” malware. Why do I want to buy another program to remove it if WebRoot already has malware blocker?
You need to uninstall McAfee is that possible? https://service.mcafee.com/webcenter/faces/oracle/webcenter/page/scopedMD/s55728c97_466d_4ddb_952d_05484ea932c6/Page29.jspx?articleTitle=McAfee+KB+-+Comment+supprimer+des+produits+McAfee+d%27un+PC+sous+Windows+%28TS101331%29&locale=en-CA&_adf.ctrl-state=t5od1nafy_75&wc.contextURL=%2Fspaces%2Fcp&articleId=TS101331&_afrLoop=1009523249577407#!
Does the pop-up come when you open a Browser or anytime? If a Browser please tell us what Browsers you use and you may need a good free ad Blocker like uBlock Origin: Here for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm and they have it for Microsoft Edge and Firefox as well.
I had removed McAfee months ago. Used a free Malware software. It Quarantined 27 malware programs
Used Chrome Clean (In advanced settings). It didn’t find any more. They malware was in programs starting with PUP. Prefixes.
I think I solved it. Thank you.
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