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By Zoe Kleinman Technology reporter, BBC News   "Microsoft has faced criticism for changing the pop-up box encouraging Windows users to upgrade to Windows 10.

Clicking the red cross on the right hand corner of the pop-up box now activates the upgrade instead of closing the box.

And this has caused confusion as typically clicking a red cross closes a pop-up notification"  


 Microsoft accused of Windows 10 upgrade 'nasty trick' - BBC News


Couldn't see this story posted (in another thread)? 


The tactics that Microsoft is using to spread Windows10 are becoming more and more unacceptable IMHO. 😞 :@      



 Get Windows 10 has the characteristics of malware - gHacks Tech News
Agreed...the methods are underhand and they should desist from that but then again I can really understand the frustration that MS must be feeling when they are offeringnthe upgrade to the greatest & best versiion of Windows for free and the unenlightened (those who can but won't even try an upgrade) turn their noses up at the offer.


But regardless...the practices are shoddy to say the least.

By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter    Microsoft U-turn on "nasty trick" pop-up - BBC News     "Users were angry that clicking the cross to dismiss the box meant that they had agreed to the upgrade.

Based on "customer feedback", Microsoft said it would add another notification that provided customers with "an additional opportunity for cancelling the upgrade".

The pop-up design had been described as a "nasty trick".

Microsoft told the BBC it had modified the pop-up as a result of criticism" 

Dermot7 wrote: The tactics that Microsoft is using to spread Windows10 are becoming more and more unacceptable IMHO. 😞 :@      

Agree. I believe the user should have a choice to upgrade or not. Maybe people didn't like being pushed or tricked to upgrade. I guess we will find out in a few years if not sooner how good Win 10 is and if or how Microsoft Micromanages the updates and Operating System without the users approval. Time will tell. 😉
I still don't care for win 10.   I feel MS rushed to put out Win 10.  As the saying goes, "Profit before People".  Your right ? the user should have the choice!  Maybe MS will gradually phase out previous OS's like MS Win XP.   Hummm perhaps MS will "sneak" win 10 upgrade through a windows update 😞   Anyway, that's my opinion.


Thanks for reading.  ;)
I don't care for this either. When it was first released it forced the update on my PC one night while I was asleep. I rolled back to 7 but was quite displeased. I don't foresee myself upgrading anytime soon.
@ wrote:

I don't care for this either. When it was first released it forced the update on my PC one night while I was asleep. I rolled back to 7 but was quite displeased. I don't foresee myself upgrading anytime soon.

The way things seem to be at the moment is that e.g. W7 users who wish to stay as they are (at least for the time being) are compelled to be very vigilant and usually must be very careful, and possibly research even, every non-critical Security update that is offered, even "Important" and definitely "Recommended".

Best to disable auto-updating (of course), and only install Critical security ones,  


Patch Tuesday can be quite a chore nowadays unfortunately :(


Who knows what MS may think of next, to try to achieve their goals. I know I just have a license for the software, and don't actually own it, but there is no way I'd accept any kind of 'stealth' install, and want full control over updating and OS upgrades.


Could end up as "OSX here I come!" or even Linux etc. if MS don't hold themselves back on these type of tactics. 


Actually Win 10 was probably the most thoroughly tested version of WIndows ever, if evidenced by the over a year of beta testing that the Insider group of beta testers undertook (far more than WIndows 7 actually)...and I personally think that they did a sterling job.


The problem for MS is 'comfy slipper' mode...which unfortuantely prevails whenever something new comes along...unless it is an Apple product and then the comfy slippers go straight out of the window...LOL ;)


But still...trying to foist an upgrade on customers is 'low'...and that is where they are putting profit trying to cut back on support costs for what are now legacy versions.  
Really the only reason I use Windows at all is gaming. I stick to Ubuntu generally and have an Arch Linux partition for testing/learning/etc. I don't think I'll ever use OSX.
@ wrote:

I don't think I'll ever use OSX.

I didn't think I would either until I stumbled across an excellent deal on a OSX too good not to turn down. I still  ❤️ ❤️ my Windows 7 but Microsoft is hell-bent on taking that away from me. 😠
As far as I am concerned NO DEAL will ever be good enough to tempt me to partake of the 'Forbidden Fruit'...;)
@ wrote:

As far as I am concerned NO DEAL will ever be good enough to tempt me to partake of the 'Forbidden Fruit'...;)

The same here Baldrick, I will not change sides either.
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

I don't care for this either. When it was first released it forced the update on my PC one night while I was asleep. I rolled back to 7 but was quite displeased. I don't foresee myself upgrading anytime soon.

The way things seem to be at the moment is that e.g. W7 users who wish to stay as they are (at least for the time being) are compelled to be very vigilant and usually must be very careful, and possibly research even, every non-critical Security update that is offered, even "Important" and definitely "Recommended".

Best to disable auto-updating (of course), and only install Critical security ones,  


Patch Tuesday can be quite a chore nowadays unfortunately :(


Who knows what MS may think of next, to try to achieve their goals. I know I just have a license for the software, and don't actually own it, but there is no way I'd accept any kind of 'stealth' install, and want full control over updating and OS upgrades.


Could end up as "OSX here I come!" or even Linux etc. if MS don't hold themselves back on these type of tactics. 



@ I don't think MS actually alerts you of all that is included in the update(s).  Likewise, when the US Government passes a Bill, they hide what you don't like within the enormous paper Bill.  :S 
Oh, Oh! :@


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

This is a summary of the new and changed content scheduled for release on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.

New non-security content:

  • Update for Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 (KB3035583)

    Locale: All
    Deployment: Recommended/Automatic Updates
    Classification: Updates, Non-Security
    Supersedes: KB3035583 on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7
    Target platforms: Windows 8.1 and Windows 7
    Approximate file sizes:
    • Windows 8.1 update: ~ 625KB
    • Windows 8.1 x64 update: ~ 842KB
    • Windows 7 update: ~ 620KB
    • Windows 7 x64 update: ~ 837KB
    Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.

Daniel, LOL I thought I had a live bug on my screen. I kept trying to smoosh it and then realized it yours.



Here is a big Bug!
? I'm begining to see that update (KB3035583) in my dreams every night. ROFL.

@ wrote:

I'm begining to see that update (KB3035583) in my dreams every night. ROFL.


LOL...yeah, I can't remember how many times I've hidden it!! 😃 :S   
OMG! I hate bugs take it away or I will have a hard time sleeping tonight@TripleHellix LOL
Just use one of these GWX tools and it will keep it off!


Daniel 😉
Thanks Daniel........
And they do a U turn.


Microsoft U-turn on 'nasty trick' pop-up

By Jane Wakefield Technology reporter

  • 25 May 2016


Daniel 😠

An Interview with Ed Bott: Windows 10, Telemetry & Data Driven Designs


Good video to watch:


Daniel 😉
Thanks Daniel! Very interesting and Ed Bott has some great Blogs too.
? what a great video.  Ed Bott explains it very well,  Regarding the Telemetry, at one point he said we "only" collect things like if your using a malicious tool remover.  You have to read between the lines in that statement.  In my opinion, Telemetry = spying :S   In my win 10, I have turned off MS communicating back to them and when I checked back at those settings, they are turned on and grayed out....hummmmmm.


Overall great video Daniel, thanks  ;)


@ wrote:

 In my opinion, Telemetry = spying :S   In my win 10, I have turned off MS communicating back to them and when I checked back at those settings, they are turned on and grayed out....hummmmmm.  



That sounds like a fairly accurate definition of telemetry  and I'd like to hear an explanation of those greyed-out settings, ideally from MS. 

If you use a cleaning app like e.g. CCleaner it should be possible to delete a lot of that stuff also.
