MRG Effitas 360 Tests — a curiosity

  • 23 November 2016
  • 4 replies

Here is a curiosity:
In all the MRG Effitas 360 Tests (begun Q3 2014) up and until the publication of a set of Webroot Commissioned Comparative Tests last June (OK, there was also a set of Webroot commissioned comparative tests back in January), Webroot obtained a Pass Grade without exception. In both MRG Effitas 360 Tests published since that set of Comparative Tests, Webroot has failed.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +34
Not sure why we need a new thread to discuss this Muddy.  There are existing threads for the Q2 Report here and for Q3 here.
However, since you have started this one, I would point out that in all the earlier MRG Effitas 360 tests that you refer up to June 2016, the reports were commissioned by one of the AV companies. In every case the commissioning company (whether that was Webroot, Sophus, Zemana, Kaspersky or Surfright) came out best against the selected opposition (some would say unsurprisingly!). In those tests where Webroot was not commissioning the test, Webroot was not included in the reports, as far as I can see.
It appears that MRG Effitas have changed their testing methods and are now trying to be more even-handed.
@ wrote:
I would point out that in all the earlier MRG Effitas 360 tests that you refer up to June 2016, the reports were commissioned by one of the AV companies.
I don't think that's right, @, although I stand to be corrected. In fact, unless I'm mistaken, I believe you're completely wrong on that one. The commissioned tests are here (the page I link to in my first post) but the regular tests (360, Online Banking etc.) here.
Indeed, nobody pays a penny for their 360 tests, something that is somewhat unique among testing agencies, nor, I think, do AV companies pay a penny to be included in their Online Banking tests: see for example this post from Wilders (although, I hasten to add, that was admittedly the policy back in 2009 and since then things may have changed due to financial constraints?).
I repeat: I find it curious that, up and until Webroot commissioned a spate of MRG tests comparing them with their major competitors, it consistently achieved a Pass Grade in their 360 tests. Since then, it has consistently failed.
Userlevel 7
Badge +34
OK Muddy, I bow to your superior knowledge of MRG's testing methods and reports. I was just referring to your list of commissioned reports and comparing those with the latest regular ones. I am aware that Webroot has always aced the online banking tests but was not fully aware of all the other tests but I do now realise that these were regular, non-commissioned reports.
I have already commented in the earlier thread on the Q2 Report as to why I believe Webroot failed (inclusion of PUAs) and will leave it to others to comment further as they see fit.
Actually, @, my so called "superior knowledge" is actually virtually zilch 😞 when it comes to I.T. (or worse :D). I just felt on fairly sure ground on this very limited area.
