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Just out of curiousity are there any training programs for Network Security training. And what in your opinion is the best certification to get for Network security?
Hi Ddavison and welcome to the community,


If you intend to use this training/certificate to assist you in, or in obtaining an IT position you would be best served by going with an accredited training facility.  IMHO I would pursue a "Certified Cyber Forensics Professional" cert.  One of my employees had one and I was very impressed with his knowledge. 


Just search the web for it and look for an accredited training facility that is hopefully looked upon with favor in the IT community.  Check around and you will be able to find one.


Good luck,


Thanks for the info! Any opinions on Security+?
I know they are DOD approved.  I know it is not the answer you are looking for but take your time and research, research, research.  Get lots of info and opinions but in the end roll all of that research into your own opinion.  It is a big decision and if you do it you want to do it right.


