Police Password Lost For 8 Years In India

  • 5 March 2014
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 7
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Police over in India did not manage to act on hundreds of corruption complaints in a time frame of up to 8 years, simply because there was one niggling issue that caused the inaction. Apparently, it was reported that the police themselves have no clue as to what the computer password is. This caused Delhi officers to be unable to operate a portal that actually carried more than 600 complaints, where this particular lapse actually went undetected since 2006, at least according to the Indian Express Newspaper. The complaints hailed from India’s very own anti-corruption agency that is known as the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC).

A couple of senior police officers have since been trained in the system, and are able to gain access to the 667 odd cases that have been accumulated ever since the portal launched. An officer did mention that this oversight proved to be “a technical problem”, and whatever complaints filed in the past until now are being addressed even as you read this. It does seem to be a serious case of gross oversight on the part of the police to actually forget the password, don’t you think so? I would presume that the forgotten password was a whole lot more complex than the top 10 worst passwords of 2013.
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Userlevel 7
Badge +56
That reminds me of the story of the US nuclear launch codes being 000000 for a while:
At least they didn't get locked out 🙂
