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New Secure Domain Foundation will facilitate security information sharing among Internet domain registrars

A consortium of experts, security companies, and Internet infrastructure organizations banded together yesterday to launch the Secure Domain Foundation (SDF), a nonprofit organization whose goal is to facilitate information sharing among Internet domain registrars and registries.

The SDF, which is backed by organizations such as Facebook, Verizon, Verisign, and CrowdStrike, will serve as a place where Internet domain registrars and Domain Name Service (DNS) providers can share data about cyberattackers and their exploits, officials say.

"In almost all cases, one of the first things that malware actors do is register their command-and-control domains," says Chris Davis, a security researcher and president of the SDF. "If they are caught and blocked by one domain registrar, they often just move on to another one because there's no information sharing between them."


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