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Set Custom Dock Settings for Mac When Connected to External Displays with HiDock

  • 5 February 2023
  • 1 reply

by: Paul Horowitz


Have you ever wished that MacOS could have different settings for the Dock, when connected to an external display, versus using only the built-in display? Or that MacOS would know when your MacBook Pro is connected to an external display and automatically adjust the Dock positioning, or size?

That’s exactly what HiDock does, a free third party utility that allows you to set different Dock settings for different display configurations on a Mac.

For example, maybe you want the Dock to be tiny and automatically hide on the internal display of a MacBook Pro, but be larger and always visible on the left side of the display when that same MacBook Pro is connected to a 30″ external display. HiDock allows for exactly that.


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Not heard of this before and never really given any thought to custom docks. Could be useful though, anyone actually tried it?
