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I keep getting the following error message when I try to start Task Scheduler:



It tells you to refresh but when I do all that happens is that the message returns. It's very annoying.


My research online has thrown up a workaround. On my system, the Disk Defrag Schedule was turned off, so I turned it back on and resolved the issue. Unfortunately the 'solution' is only temporary as the next time I try to access Task Scheduler, I get the same annoying message again. Each time I have to change the Defrag setting (on,off or time) to get it working again.


Just wondering if anyone knows of a permanent solution so that I can keep my blood pressure down! :D


I'm using Win 7 Pro 64.


Many thanks in advance.











Not good form I know - but I'm answering my own question here!


When I tried scheduling a defrag frequency, I chose 'Monthly' but further digging in the various Windows related forums pointed out that Win 7 finds this to be a conflict with the Task Scheduler and hence the error message.


I have now had to schedule a weekly defrag (which was the Win 7 default I think) and so far it appears to have resolved the problem.


Yippee!! 😃


Well this can help others you know that might have this issue as well.I run W 7 but have never had this error. Knock on wood! 😉
Hi ?,


You mentioned that your disk defgrag had been turned off at some time in the past. I was just wondering if you own a SSD (Solid State Drive), because if so you would not want the defragmenter turned on and the SSD installation software may have turned it off. SSD's don't need defragmenting. You may very well know all of this too I just thought I'd mention it in case you didn't :)




? Can you just confirm that you have defrag scheduled and, if so, the frequency? It seems that the conflict is only with the monthly choice. I believe weekly was the default setting.


? No such luck! Although a SSD is right at the top of the list when I get my next laptop!  :D


u have defrag scheduled and, if so, the frequency? It seems that the conflict is only with the monthly choice. I believe weekly was the default setting. 




Sorry I was out and just got your message.. Looks like the default/Weekly..


Thanks Sherry. You have been sensible and not changed from a weekly schedule. As you've never had a problem, I think I should be fine now. 


What seems weird to me is that Windows gives you the option of a monthly schedule and yet if you adopt monthly, it's incompatible with the Task Scheduler and you get the error message!






Hi ?,


Just curious, when do you get the error, when you set the schedule or when it runs? The reason I ask is that I tried setting my defrag schedule on my laptop (WIN7Pro64bit) to monthy with no problems/errors, but it hasn't run the defrag yet either. Just trying to reproduce your results. :)


Hi again@BurnDaddy 


The errors showed up when I tried to start Task Scheduler after I had set defrag to monthly. Had no problem setting to monthly but as far as I can tell, it never actually defragged whilst set to monthly. That is why I disabled the Scheduler for a time but whilst it was disabled (or set to monthly) Task Scheduler would show the error when I  tried to access it.





@ wrote:

Hi @,


Just curious, when do you get the error, when you set the schedule or when it runs? The reason I ask is that I tried setting my defrag schedule on my laptop (WIN7Pro64bit) to monthy with no problems/errors, but it hasn't run the defrag yet either. Just trying to reproduce your results. :)



I've set my to monthly and it will run at 5 pm this today . Lets see if I can duplicate the error as well?
@ wrote:

I've set my to monthly and it will run at 5 pm this today . Lets see if I can duplicate the error as well?

Hi Sherry


Just wondering if your defrag ran on schedule last night and whether you are getting the error message when trying to access Task Scheduler with degrag set to monthly.


I can report that my Task Scheduler continues to behave now I have defrag set to weekly. :D


@ wrote:

@ wrote:

I've set my to monthly and it will run at 5 pm this today . Lets see if I can duplicate the error as well?

Hi Sherry


Just wondering if your defrag ran on schedule last night and whether you are getting the error message when trying to access Task Scheduler with degrag set to monthly.


I can report that my Task Scheduler continues to behave now I have defrag set to weekly. :D



Hi Nemo,


I have to reset it again because for some reason it was  going to scan for 2016?  Oops! So I will have to reset it again and see if i can duplicate the error. I'll let you know...


@ I am doing a scan now but not sure how that is going to work?

Nemo..I finished the Defrag scan and it's scheduled to defrag monthly.. So far I cannot duplicate that error. If I do I will let you know!
Thanks for trying Sherry. 😃
Sure thing Nemo..anytime..because I learn too!;)
