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I don't believe I have ever shared this on this Forum. I posted it on the Wilders Forum on December 2011. This is also the time ? and I became good friends, about 4 and a half years ago. Time sure does fly. The present Support Ticket is 1000% better now than it was in 2011.


From the Post at Wilders:


I have used Webroot products since 2004. In fact I still have the original Paper Box and inside the plastic holder with the CD “Spy Sweeper Two”. (I’ll keep that for a collector’s item, may be worth money someday. ) I used the product all the time until last year when it was not compatible with my computer and Customer Support was like, well you know 😞 . Looking at some of my old files I came across this message I sent to Webroot support. (My name has been XXX out):


 Customer XXXXX XXXXXX via CSS Web 10/05/2008 09:10 AM

 Due to the problems with the new release of S/S 5.8 I would think that starting a WEBROOT FORUM would benefit ALL users using the Webroot products, as PC Tools, Symantec and others have forums that post problems and improvements on their products. The ticket and phone system to solve problems does not seem to be working for Webroot as posted in other forums. There are a lot of postings stating that Webroots Customer service is not too good because of this. I believe a FORUM would improve customer support a lot!


 Well it only took 3 years for Webroot to get a Forum. Thank you Prevx for teaming up with Webroot for an Excellent Product and for the Excellent work on this Forum. Seems like PrevxHelp and Triple Helix are in a race to see who can answer the forum members question first, I like that. I have noticed that in your advertising of WSA nothing is mentioned about this Support Forum. (Unless I’ve missed it somewhere). A lot of the old Webroot users left because of the Support, myself as one. I believe advertising this Support Forum in some way would bring back lot of the old Webroot customers. (If that was alright with Wilders Security Forum). Again, thank you for the Excellent product and Forum and everyone’s help on this forum. It’s great to be back with Webroot! :D


Thank You Webroot for a Great Forum and a Wish Come True

Wow nice story ?! Thank you so much fir sharing. Unbelievable how this Webroot Community has grown and how superior the Webroot Support has become.


I heard in the beginning  it was just you and Daniel holding the Forum together... 😉
Awesome Buddy Thanks for sharing! :D


Daniel 😃
Great Post.........................Thanx for sharing!
