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Can someone advise why I have to redo my password "every" time I want to enter this group?  Is this a glitch in this group or is the problem on my end?  Many days I just stay off because I get tired of having to redo new passwords.  Thanks!
Hi Bea


To login so that you are recognised then you need to provide your credentials.


So you can do a couple pf things...remember to check the 'Keep me logged in' option when signing in for the first time in the day and either store your login details in the Password Manager of the browser you are using or if you have the Internet Security Plus or Complete version which have the Password Manager feature you can store them in there and use that to auto fill the details when you call up the login screen.


Regards, Baldrick
Oh no!  I did not know this was a group for computer geniuses!   I think my IQ is only 210!   Seriously, if "Bea" suddenly disappears, it will be because I got tired of making up new passwords.  I have never had to do this for any other group.  I will try the suggestions but if they are "over my head", I will fade into the sunset.  Thanks anyway.  I was enjoying the group tho.
