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I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that Windows 10 is completely dropping Media Center. According to what I have read Windows 10 will no longer support the application. In fact they are claiming that it won't even work in the final release.


I personally have issues with this because I use it all the time in previous versions. I am currently testing the latest Windows 10 release and I can indeed install and run Media Center so I can only assume they are going to completely rework the way Windows deals with media, or more then likely it will work but Microsoft will just not support it at all.


I'm kinda bummed out because I will now need to find a new solution. :catfrustrated:


Here is the link:


Yeah I saw that over the weekend.  Kind of a surprise that they're ditching it.
Well they haven't supported it in ages but I still believe that one of two things are gonna happen. Ether they will cave in, like they did with Windows 8 or they just won't support the addon. As I said it works fine in this release... So far.
Oh and before I forget. A word of warning to those who want to try the Media Center addon inside of Windows 10, be advised that the addon assosiates with this copy of wWindows and won't seperate, so if you have a copy you are currently using in Windows 8, don't use it in 10. I myself grabbed half a dozen free keys when Microsoft was giving them away so I had some to "Play" with. :catvery-happy:

