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Microsoft has been pushing very hard (and sometimes very aggressive) for users to move to Windows 10 and 2016 was quite a controversial year in this regard, with many people saying that the company went a little too far in its attempt of boosting adoption of its latest operating system.


And while Microsoft itself also admitted that it was wrong to become so pushy on Windows 10 upgrades, statistics show that despite all of these, it’s still Windows 7 the desktop operating system that was number one last year.


Desktop OS market share in 2016


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"Microsoft has been pushing very hard (and sometimes very aggressive" Ya think? I found it downright intrusive to put it mildly. I probably am not as tech savvy as most people responding, but I really dislike windows 10 and wish I had never switched from 7! :manfrustrated:
I am not surprised, although I use 8.1 on my new computer and win 7 the old.


What I have not seen mentioned here is what surprises me.


I tried Win 10 on my new computer for 4 days.  And then I converted back to 8.1.


Everything worked perfectly on Win 10 except, and it is a big exception...


I had read extensively on all the options that you had while installing 10.  I understood all the privacy concerns and used win 10 "options" to disable every monitoring  feature they built into it to destroy privacy and information gathering.  And it ran perfectly except. ...


All websites that required that a "password" to be entered now balked or would not run at all.  When everything else worked perfectly with monitoring was disabled, the program stopped me from logging onto these secure sites if it couldn't monitor my password.  There might be a casual answer to that.  But to me, it destoyed all my confidence in MS and it's denial that it would never disrupt our personal privacy concerns. 


The only thing that would not work with all the options that monitor you disabled.  Access to the password. 

They wanted it and I would not allow it.


I am back on 8.1.  And I am going to buy a new computer and install Win 7 pro so I know it will last a long time in the future.


MS can shove it (and to think I was a beta tester back on Win 1).
Hi Preservethe2nd,


Sorry to hear yoiu feel this way and it's quite understandable but you might want to look here just encase you did not know about Microsofts Privacy

and here


This helped me alot with MS.W 10.




Respectfully, there are words and there are deeds.


That Microsoft requires that I open up their monitoring of my computer just so I can access my Credit Union bank account is just unacceptable.  That is a deed.  It is what they do, not what they say.  MS does not need my bank's password or to monitor anything on my computer that requires that I expose my password.  I can not believe the tech industry is yielding to MS's demand for this type of access.  In essence, W10 is malware in my mind.


But I thank you for sharing the weblink posts and concern for experience.


@ Am I right in assuming that you are using MS default Edge browser? If so, try using an alternative such as Firefox, as long as you can figure out how to get MS to allow you! I am sure that you will then be able to enter passwords and generally go about your browsing without these problems.


EDIT Just reread your OP and realise that you are back on W8.1 so you won't be able to test FF in W10. However, it would be helpful if you could confirm that you were in fact using Edge when you had these problems.


@ wrote:

@ Am I right in assuming that you are using MS default Edge browser? If so, try using an alternative such as Firefox, as long as you can figure out how to get MS to allow you! I am sure that you will then be able to enter passwords and generally go about your browsing without these problems.

Thank you @...
HI Nemo,


I was using WaterFox (64 bit version of FireFox) on W10 when all secure sites that needed passwords refused to work.  Other websites were fine.  Only password secured wouldn't work with all the W10 "options" related to monitoring my computer were turned off "during installation".  They were all options during installation, I didn't dig into anything later and disable things.  Obviously, they aren't really options if they must be on to allow you into your secure websites. 


Never used edge.  No cortana junk, etc.


Hi Mark


Well that is all very strange. You are obviously privacy minded like myself and I can see why you reverted to W8.1.




@ wrote:

@ wrote:



:p:p Windows 10 :p:p

But not for very much longer...LOL...will be gone the way of the dinosaurs.;)

I'll run it until it dies. 😃
Win 7 for me for the foreseeable future. I'm secretly hoping for a Brexit style OS. America with Microsoft and Apple and increasingly Google have held the world to ransom for too long. Billions of dollars going in one direction. Now that Trump has won the US popular vote on a policy of isolationism, I think it's time for the rest of the world to invent viable alternatives. I realise this is an international forum but, there must be sufficient talent and skill here in the UK to nail it. I'm surprised the French and Germans haven't done it already. I will bet China is working on it already. Interesting times ahead I think. I can only see the future of both MS and Apple waning, and when change does come, if the alternatives are good enough, it could happen suddenly, like 50% in 4 years. Just my opinion.
Why are people surprised that Win7 came out on top, Win8 was a half arsed Vista type attempt and Win10 has Cortana.....What more needs to be said?


As for future OS choices, I'll take whatever the Russians are using.  If you can't beat 'em.....
I'll be swizzled! No way would I have won that bet: "Which OS has the highest percentage of users". My current laptop is a HP with Windoze 10; 7 wasn't even an option, so I was certain that 10 had surpassed 7 with total users.
The freebee of win 10 is long gone 😞
@ wrote:

Why are people surprised that Win7 came out on top, Win8 was a half arsed Vista type attempt and Win10 has Cortana.....What more needs to be said?


As for future OS choices, I'll take whatever the Russians are using.  If you can't beat 'em.....

Because Windows 10 is indeed a better OS than WIndows 7 (in my humble opinion); it is more secure, more stable and much more user friendly.


Personally, I am not surprised that WIndows 7 has the higher count; WIndows 10 has only been out for just over a year and to overtake the installed WIndows 7 user base in that time was never, ever going to happen. WIndows 7 never eclipsed the previous version in a year and we all know that the pre WIndows 7 was dire...and that is being polite, whereas Window 7 was Microsoft's best until the arrival of WIndows 10.


Anyway, it is a moot point as Windows 7 will die a death long before WIndows 10, so there is a certain inevitability about it all.


Just my two pennies worth, for what it is worth. ;)


Windows 10 is just horrible, a lot of it seems utterly pointless to me as a desktop user.....And then there's Cortana.
"And then there's Cortana"...which is easy enough to turn off completely...if one really wants to...LOL.


And given that WIndows 10 is an evolution of WIndows 7 it is extremely familiar to desktop users. There is far too much hype about the tablet side of things, IMHO, which is easy to avoid, as per Cortana.


The best version of Windows so far, and evolving into something even better, faster and most importantly, safer. ;)
I "killed" Cortana, and OneDrive. You can't actually delete them from the system, as far as I have determined. But you can unsubscribe, i.e. shut them down, including any update or alert messages. It's as if they were never there. I've replaced OneDrive with DropBox. Neither service is free beyond a useless few Gigs, so pay for a cloud that doesn't depend on Microsoft!
Just to indicate from a geezer perspective - the MS platform has a dichotomy.


Every even numbered release of the MS platform has been disasterous.

Correction, ... since the windowing era (post pc vs ms DOS wars).


Looking back: from 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, & 0! What actually worked? 


The bannished 9 never commissioned, the living & vibrant 7 (Blue Screen survivor), eternal 5 [NT (4) saviour], ubitiquous (groundbreaking 3, [actually 3.1.1]! No even numbers in the MS success story, with long forgotten GPS mainstay of (3)), and unreleased infant 1. Windows 2 was too embarrasing to market as a brand, and at that stage, Apple would have chewed Windows out of legal existence!


The even numbers have ALL been 'dogs', so to speak!
Are you saying that the up and coming 10 is "disastrous"? If so, how so?
@ wrote:


The even numbers have ALL been 'dogs', so to speak!

Well...given that Windows 10 is supposedly the last version of Windows that Microsoft is going to make (i.e. no 11 or 12), I guess we're all screwed!?!
Agreed! we had more control over our own PCs before Windows 7.
