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Windows 8.1 is a winner, but PC sales will plummet, says Gartner

Microsoft is caught in the ultimate good news/bad news syndrome: Windows 8.1 will likely fix Windows 8's woes, but PC sales will still take a nose dive. So says two recent Gartner reports, and they may well be right.





12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Well on the other side of the coin it could be more positive to have 8.1 maybe more users will upgrade as it's still cheap to and with the coming end of support for Win XP in early 2014 but I have to say that Win 8 is more snappier then Vista ever was but I still like my Win 7 x64 even though I run both Win 8 Pro 32bit & 64bit in VM's it will be interesting to see Win 8.1 to see if more people upgrading to it? The future will tell.......................!
Userlevel 7
If Win 8.1 really get that positive, I think people will move to it especially from pcs with XP. PC sales has been down for sometime now. Will continue to do so. Rise in sales in emerging markets, smartphones, tablets with Windows and the upgrade from XP to Win 8.1 will cover big time for the overall fall in pc sales.:)
@  Would you upgrade your XP, Vista and Win 7 pcs to the Win 8.1 when it comes out?
Best Wishes,
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
No I wouldn't only if I get a new Laptop in which I don't need for awhile and Windows 9 might be out then. 😃 Also I have the 2 Win 8 VM's so I will update those to 8.1 and see for myself.
Daniel 😉
Userlevel 5
I am still running Windows second edition do you think that's a problem???? Just teasing!!!!!!
Userlevel 7
Problem is that Windows 7 is such an excellent OS I dont see the need to update.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
I am still running Windows second edition do you think that's a problem???? Just teasing!!!!!!
 Well Tony if it works for you go for it! :D
@ wrote:
Problem is that Windows 7 is such an excellent OS I dont see the need to update.
I have to agree I just like Win 7 also.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I usually upgrade the same as a lot of people - when a new computer is bought. I had XP and was hoping it would last until 7 was released but no as luck would have it I ended up with Vista and di not like it, it just felt big and heavy. However thanks to the MVP award I got myself Windows 7 when it was released and I love it and I do not intend to change it until I am forced to, and I fail to understand why they have to keep bringing a new one out so quickly. 
I can understand why people like the tiled appearance on 8, because they have got used to it with the mobile phones, however I really think there should be an option there to either use the tiles OR the classic start button. I know there is supposed to be in 8.1 but really that option should have been there from the beginning, it was a huge jump going straight from 7 and the traditional screen to the tiles in 8 with nothing sort of halfway.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
No I wouldn't only if I get a new Laptop in which I don't need for awhile and Windows 9 might be out then. 😃 Also I have the 2 Win 8 VM's so I will update those to 8.1 and see for myself.
Daniel ;)
Oh I see.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I am still running Windows second edition do you think that's a problem???? Just teasing!!!!!!
Yeah that's a problem. You'll auction it for thousands in a hundred year or so and that's unfair to people who'd be updating their OS for all their life. I can't let you do that.
Userlevel 7
@and @ I love XP. Not that much into Win7. So I'm open for an upgrade from Win 7 pcs.:)
Userlevel 7
I used to love Win XP but its well past its sell by date, it looks and feels old when I use it now.
Userlevel 7
Old is gold, Roy! Old is gold. Never get tired of using good old XP. 😉
