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Windows 8.1 Update 1 released, now available for download

As we bid farewell to Windows XP, Microsoft has released a rather significant update to Windows 8.1. Sure the features may not be revolutionary, but for those of you who use a keyboard and mouse, the update is a big boost to functionality for the platform.


Download links for Windows 8.1 Update x86:






KB2949621-v2 (Windows Server 2012 R2 only)

Download links for Windows 8.1 Update x64:






KB2949621-v2 (Windows Server 2012 R2 only)

Download links for Windows 8.1 Update ARM:






It should start to appear on Windows Update at around 10AM PST.


Full Article


27 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
It will be available via Windows Update as well in an hour and 15 minutes and recommended!
Userlevel 7
Thanks guys! :D
Before the update I will do a snapshot to backup my OS and its currently settings.
I know it's not necessary, but just in case of some unexpetced complications ;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +52
Miquell wrote:I know it's not necessary
This is necessary to avoid problems;)
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Good slideshow on what is new:
Userlevel 7
Well, after offical update everything seems to be wroking fine on my, at least so far :D
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Well, after offical update everything seems to be wroking fine on my, at least so far :D
How do you like it?
Userlevel 7
Has not appeared here yet...:(
Userlevel 7
Hi nic,
I've seen it before, although not as an official update ;)
Generally I like Win 8.1 so for me it' ok.
I like the standard way of closing MetroApps, I'm glad it was added.
And how about you nic? Do you like it?
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I am still waiting as well Baldrick, impatiently 😉
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
@ wrote:
Hi nic,
I've seen it before, although not as an official update ;)
Generally I like Win 8.1 so for me it' ok.
I like the standard way of closing MetroApps, I'm glad it was added.
And how about you nic? Do you like it?
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet.  We're still on 7 at work.  My wife has a laptop that is on 8, so I'll update that and give it a go.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I am downloading and installing now.
See you later guys - hopefully.
Userlevel 7
Oh my..., after updating Windows I've started getting the security reports :S

Userlevel 7
Same here...should be interesting.
Userlevel 7
@ wrote:
I haven't had a chance to play with it yet.  We're still on 7 at work.  My wife has a laptop that is on 8, so I'll update that and give it a go.
Oh I see.. Hope you like it. 
My wife doesn't like Win8, she is still using Vista and doesn't want to make any OS upper migration. 

Userlevel 7
Hey guys, after updating don't forget to share with us your impressions about it :D
Userlevel 7
At 30% and "Working on Updates"....oh, er!
Userlevel 7
For me, the update also took some time...
And not only the installation, but also downloading, although my bandwidth isn't tragically low.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
Well after just over an hour mine are downloaded and installed. My first impressions are favourable however with it being so late I will reserve judgement on my opinion.
Userlevel 7
Well, not much change for me on my tablet...and all because...
"Windows 8.1 Update Features
Power and Search icons now show up on the right side of the Start Screen (see screen shot), making things a little easier for keyboard-and-mouse users. However, the Power icon isn't present if a screen is less than 8.5 inches, according to a Microsoft announcement."
Full Article
And I suspect that the same is true for other such other words Update 1 is aimed at the laptop & Desktop brigade rather than those of us who own a small tablet.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
OK, 1 point, how do I change user now? I cannot see for looking probably.
Found it. Right click on my icon on the Metro screen. I was hoping there would be a way from the start screen.
Userlevel 7
Hi Jasper
Take a read of the article I included in my last post in this should reveal all about what should and should not happen now.
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I was reading it and I have got a box telling me that there are more updates, I will take a look.
I read your article earlier and that pointed me in the right direction, thank you Baldrick.
Userlevel 7
No problem my friend...looks like MS should really have improved the experience for non tablet users what with this booting by default into the Desktop if you are a laptop or Desktop user, etc...sounds like they may have got it more right with this release.
Shame they had to wait until now...but I suppose that all things come to those who wait...LOL
Userlevel 7
Badge +54
I found the change from W7 to W8 hard to get used to for a change but this is a very welcome update, it has brought things a little bit more back to normal.
NOW I have to get my other half used to it as well and that is a challenge, but I am hoping she will stick with her iPad a bit more now and give me a rest ;)
Userlevel 5
Badge +24
New power options button and search button on start page is convieneint and also close/minimise buttons for metro apps.
But more like bringing abandoned features back to the scene rather than updates. :p
