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Just in case it had escaped ones attention Windows is 30 years old this month as Windows 1.0 was release this this month in 1985.


This original version of the OS came as a standard DOS setup (on a 5.25? floppy disk) with by current standards a simple point-and-click interface and displayed in glorious Hercules monochrome or CGA graphics.


For all the information you could possibly want on the subject please see here...and reminisce.  Where has to the time gone, eh? ;)


Regards, Baldrick


Very interesting! I didn't get into computers till 1998. A bit late for me. I never realized the love I would have for computers until later in life, But it sounds like 1985 would of been a great time to learn DOS!


Where has the time flown??? :S
Well XP was my first OS, but I used win 95, 98 and 2000 at work.


My first MS OS was WIndows 3.11 for Work Groups...and that was advanced for its time...but I moved over to Win 95 as soon as possible thereafter...and still have fond memories of the latter ;)
I remember that transition, from running apps straight from DOS, to running them out of Windows 3.1
I used DOS, etc, but only a little but in the pre-Windows age.  I never did have a computer of my own that ran only DOS, though I had plenty of access to play.


The first version of Windows I used was 3.1, I never did use the first.  It was not long after Windows 95 came out that my Dad gave me his Windows 3.1 computer...   I wanted 95.  95, I learned, just did not run well on that old boat anchor Dad gave me, so I ordered some parts, upgraded, and have never looked back 🙂
DOS comes in handy today doen't it? I wish I did learn it....
@ wrote:

DOS comes in handy today doen't it? I wish I did learn it....

Well, what bit I learned in DOS, with programming in Basic, led to me being able to do a few easy Visual Basic programs back around 20 years ago designed to run under Windows 95.  Nothing fancy, just some utilities for Amateur Radio purposes, but they did their job 🙂
The first computer I used will have been in the Autumn of 1983 but I have no idea what that was other than it was DOS, I wish I could remember. This was at college and it was amazing at the time because as the lessons continued we found we could send messages to each other across the room and I seem to remember this was put across to us as the way things would be in the future.
I started using windows when it came in the very beginning. It was Windows 3.1 and I was really happy to see the boxes popping up on the pc. and then playing with the boxes. drawing etc. was simply great. being an IT Professional now. I have checked almost all the version of Windows..... Like WIndows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and now doing research on Windows 10.


Something which I figured out is that WIndows 10 is using a technology that send automated request to the Windows Servers in order to provide critical information about the computer that you are using and the programs that you are operating. This is not fair but we cannot say anything. The only thing that one can do is to block ports and make adjustments in the windows host files in order to block these.


So, just like google now microsoft is also trying to keep an eye on almost all the movements that you do on your pc.
Hello ?, just a quick Welcome to the Community!  Always great to see new people join, and dig in and interact.  Hope to see more of you here!
Thank you. @ . I havebeen in the IT Industry from quite a long time and as it is my hobby as well as prefession. today I thought why not share the information that I have with the world and was looking out for a community where people are actively participating. Hope to learn a lot from the community.
? I am not a total IT pro, but I have been in the computer field for.. 15-20 years.  I am no programmer, but I am good at repair and troubleshooting.  Several here are computer by hobby, but several are by profession as well.  We have a great group of people here, and the main thing we all have in common is we just like to learn and share what we know!


I would invite you to read the Community Guidelines as you plan to be a 'regular' around here.  The 'rules' are pretty simple and common sense.


Never worry about asking questions... as an IT pro you know there is NEVER a stupid question, just a silly lack of asking.   :)


I look forward to seeing your contributions!  
@ I do appreciate it. Well I have also been in the field around 15-20 years. Started with being a software application developer and then slowly with time moved on to supporting people all around the globe with computer repair and troubleshooting. It is always good to find people who have knowledge and can provide you an accurate solution on which you can rely.

About the community guidelines. I am aware about it as I have already checked in the very beginning. I am not afraid of asking anything. The only thing is that at times people do learn a lot from their mistakes. Lets see. It might be possible that I can be of help in the community as well.
Some times I have to stop and ask myself...I work in IT all why do I then spend time with IT when I am away from work...a real busman's holday...but on a daily basis...LOL.


I think that the main difference with Windows after all these years is that back then it was very 'seat of the pants'/relatively 'raw' when now days it is altogether more polished and the focus for many of us has changed.


I might just take up programming again one of these days...just as a hobby and for old times sakes...;)


@ wrote:

Some times I have to stop and ask myself...I work in IT all why do I then spend time with IT when I am away from work...a real busman's holday...but on a daily basis...LOL.


I think that the main difference with Windows after all these years is that back then it was very 'seat of the pants'/relatively 'raw' when now days it is altogether more polished and the focus for many of us has changed.


I might just take up programming again one of these days...just as a hobby and for old times sakes...;)



@, I rather know the feeling.  When at my previous employer, while I was NOT an expert on viruses, I was the expert on just plain how to keep the AV software running, and how to fix it, (Including just knowing the WHO needs to fix it).  I spent all day doing that, dealing with the client and the AV companies in real time, then came home and logged in here and basically kept doing the exact same thing I was doing all day LOL!


Glutten for punishment I guess 🙂
LoL - Well it happens ... I remember in 2001 I was studying my graduation and was a trainer. I used to spend half of the day in the university and half of the day in the training center. then I used to learn by myself how to crack and program different kinds of applications where you can play with the HEX codes and something new used to come up everytime.

Those lovely days when we used to work in DOS. and was moving around with 1.2 and 1.44 inches of floppy disk drive.
@_Smith wrote:

LoL - Well it happens ... I remember in 2001 I was studying my graduation and was a trainer. I used to spend half of the day in the university and half of the day in the training center. then I used to learn by myself how to crack and program different kinds of applications where you can play with the HEX codes and something new used to come up everytime.

Those lovely days when we used to work in DOS. and was moving around with 1.2 and 1.44 inches of floppy disk drive.

Ah, obviously a youngster...a mere strippling...;)
Where are the days... I started using 3.1 around 1992-3 and it was a hughe improvement over Dos. Who remembers having to create a ramdisk just to get a game to load faster as oposed to charging it from a floppy. 
@ Great - Well I remember. If I am correct you are talking about ....

1. Restarting the computer into MS-DOS operating system.

2. Type in "edit" at the command line prompt to open text editor program.

3. Open the "config.sys" file.

& addding the following lines in the begginging of the file



DEVICE=C:RAMDRIVE.SYS 32767 512 256 /e R:

and saving the files that creates the immediate ramdisk in MS-DOS
@_Smith wrote:

@ Great - Well I remember. If I am correct you are talking about ....

1. Restarting the computer into MS-DOS operating system.

2. Type in "edit" at the command line prompt to open text editor program.

3. Open the "config.sys" file.

& addding the following lines in the begginging of the file



DEVICE=C:RAMDRIVE.SYS 32767 512 256 /e R:

and saving the files that creates the immediate ramdisk in MS-DOS

@ you remembered the magical 3 lines. You must of same age then 😃
