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World password day is this week and we’ve decided to make a tier list highlighting popular movies/TV and the passwords they used in the theatrical release. Check out our Tier Maker template

Now, before you get upset that your favorite movie doesn’t rank high enough or there is no movie in an S tier rank, let’s talk about the ranking methodology. I want to preface this with the fact that with 4x2080ti GPUs you can crack 15 characters in 15 hours (almost 3 years ago) so this alone kills anything below A tier. Also, almost every movie here (or at all) doesn’t have computer terminal interface that allows uppercase/lowercase so we had to ignore that factor when grading.


F Tier →  <=8 characters, No special characters, ONLY numbers or ONLY letters, repetitive, sequential or VERY easy to guess E0000, 1234, password, football]


D Tier →  <= 8 characters, No special characters, ONLY numbers or ONLY letters.


C Tier →  <=8 characters, can include special characters, MUST include numbers and letters.


B Tier → >8 characters, MUST include special characters.


A Tier → >15 characters, MUST include special characters.


S Tier → >15 characters, MUST include special characters, Must include Uppercase/Lowercase, Must include two-factor authentication (Yubi key, Google authenticator).


Spaceballs – “12345” pF tier]

When Dark Helmet first heard the password, he said "12345? That's the stupidest combination I've ever heard of in my life!"

While the movie and password are a joke - don't use it IRL → F


Casino Royal – “836547” sD tier]

“When Bond enters his password in the casino, he enters 836547. He later gives the password as VESPER, which on an alpha-numeric keypad would be 837737.”


Casino Royal can’t even get the word translation to keypad correctly!  → D


Inception – “528491” >D Tier]

The code to the safe that Fischer gives to the team, "528491," appears throughout the film. The code "528491" appeared throughout "Inception." Warner Bros. During Yusuf's dream, Fischer gives Cobb's team the six-digit code "528491" to open the safe with his father's alternate will.


The safe even allows for more characters! → D


The Incredibles – “KRONOS” 

YouTube clip:

The password that Syndrome uses to protect his secret plans is “KRONOS”

You would think that the password to the supervillain supercomputer would be harder → D


Die Hard – “AKAGI”  D Tier]

in "Die Hard" (1988), Joe Takagi’s much-sought-after password is AKAGI. The Akagi was a Japanese aircraft carrier in the Battle of Midway, the flagship of Vice Admiral Nagumo. In "Midway" (1976), Nagumo is portrayed by James Shigeta... who also played Joe Takagi in Die Hard.

5 letters and it’s one letter removed of the name of the President of the company >:(  → D


Mission Impossible - “AW96B6” aC Tier]

This password doesn’t show on screen and is read to him by Luther. Definitely a great scene! 

Hey at least we’re getting numbers AND letters now → C


The X-Files – “TRUSTNO1” gC Tier]

Not surprisingly, Mulder's computer password is "trustno1". These were the last words that Deep Throat said before he died, and was indeed used in the titles of the season 1 finale, The X-Files: The Erlenmeyer Flask (1994). "Trust No 1" would also be the title of an episode in Season 9.

8 characters, numbers AND letters → C


The Matrix – “Z10N0101” >C Tier]

Hey I saw Nmap in this scene!

“In The Matrix Reloaded, Trinity resets a system password to "Z10N0101", which can be read as "Zion5". Under the zero-based indexing common in computing, this might refer to the 6th Zion. This scene precedes the revelation that the Matrix is in its 6th iteration.

Just 1 more character and this would be B tier! → C


Who Framed Roger Rabbit – “WALT SENT ME” B Tier]

“The password to gain entrance into the club is "Walt sent me" and has to be said to the bouncer, Bongo the Gorilla. According to Mr. Maroon, the club is managed by Toons, but clients are exclusively human.”


We included the spaces as special characters in the ranking → B


National Treasure – “Valley Forge”

mtrying to find the password to the Preservation Room] 

Ben Gates : It's Valley Forge.

Riley Poole : Valley... I don't have that on my computer.

Ben Gates : It's Valley Forge. She pressed E and L twice.

mtyping password] 

Ben Gates : Valley Forge was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

Access is granted] 

Riley Poole : Can I marry your brain?

Length and space are good, but we never got to see if they used uppercase/lowercase → B


Watchmen (TV show) – “RAMESES II” vB Tier]

“The password she enters on the computer is Rameses II. Not only does this refer to an actual pharaoh in ancient Egypt who was known as Ozymandias in Greek sources, but it's also the same password that Nite Owl uses to access his computer in NYC to find out where he was hiding. You don't use the same password for all your plans, Adrian!”

The space and length is good, but no numbers → B



“While breaking in to ENCOM, Alan Bradley makes an off-hand remark that Kevin Flynn is a "little like Santa Claus." A few minutes later, in the laser bay, a computer screen shows that Kevin Flynn's password is "Reindeer Flotilla", confirming that he is, indeed, like Santa Claus.”

For an early 80s movie, this is a great password. Long length and has spaces → A 


Did you know? 

Tron was disqualified from receiving an academy award because using computers for special effects was considered cheating at the time! Can you believe it!?

Let us know what passwords you’ve seen in movies that would qualify as an “S” tier rank!

The attention to detail and effort gone into this post alone deserves a clap, very enjoyable read! Would "speak friend and enter" qualify at all here? (lord of the rings).

Oooh. Love this thread. Also like the tron fact!

The attention to detail and effort gone into this post alone deserves a clap, very enjoyable read! Would "speak friend and enter" qualify at all here? (lord of the rings).

Mellon is the actual password I believe

The attention to detail and effort gone into this post alone deserves a clap, very enjoyable read! Would "speak friend and enter" qualify at all here? (lord of the rings).

Mellon is the actual password I believe

Shows how good my memory is and also why it doesn't appear on the list 🤣

Shows how good my memory is and also why it doesn't appear on the list 🤣

“Speak friend and enter” would be a very good password though 😎

It’s funny watching some of these movies with security in mind. Was just thinking back to the classic War Games.

The password to the computer in charge of launching all of our nukes was JOSHUA.

D (F?) Tier password for a system that can destroy the world 10 times over. At least they didn’t have the Internet in the 80s.

Shows how good my memory is and also why it doesn't appear on the list 🤣

“Speak friend and enter” would be a very good password though 😎

That it would!

In Ace Ventura pet detective the password is “New England Clam Chowder” and then he is asked if it’s the red or the white. “White?” is the answer. Surely that’s some basic level of two stage authentication?! 😂

In Ace Ventura pet detective the password is “New England Clam Chowder” and then he is asked if it’s the red or the white. “White?” is the answer. Surely that’s some basic level of two stage authentication?! 😂

Oh my goodness that’s an amazing movie and password and I had completely forgot about it
