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Does anyone knows the maximum size of string in this request for EndpointsList param?

Thanks 🙂
Hi, I'll need to check with the developers on that one but in the meantime don't test it leaving the field blank as it's like a wildcard to deactivate all attached end points!
Hi, I'll need to check with the developers on that one but in the meantime don't test it leaving the field blank as it's like a wildcard to deactivate all attached end points!

yea thats shockingly unbeliveable someone would leave a "delete all" type of api open for use. Even if you misspelled `EndpointsList` it would deactivate all! I know the developer would have an amaaaaaaaaaazing reason for that type of no-check whatsoever.. but its really really a recipie for disaster!
Agreed, you do need to be careful here, but it does have usecases for our large integrations like RMMs. Note you can also de-activate full site with one command, but you need to have the right permissions. We don't have any plans to change this at present but it's something we may look into changing in future; maybe adding logic to check for unknown property names and have the call to fail in such a situation.

As for the maximum string size, this is body data and we don't set limit in the Unity API and we haven't run into issues before with our larger partners. I hope that answers your question and thank you for raising.
Ok, thanks for the replies. Cheers 🙂
