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Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Disclosure Agreement Lifted!

  • 26 February 2014
  • 3 replies























The Elder Scrolls Online beta is back and you can now invite a friend if you had an invitiation to the intial beta test. The first person to Send me a Private Message gets my extra code to try ESO!


Also, the non-disclosure agreement has been lifted, so share your photos and videos as you please and be sure to use #esobeta!


Friday, February 28, 12PM EDT

to Sunday, March 2nd, 11:59PM EDT



3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
They were serious about protecting their beta before.  The screen had your username watermarked all across it so they'd know who leaked footage on Youtube 🙂
Userlevel 5
PM sent
Userlevel 5
Overall a pretty decent game,

PVE is fairly standard and unmemorable, there's a lot of stuff that's a bit rough like how the loot system handles chests in groups, it's their 1st attempt at a MMO and it shows in some areas.

PVP they pretty much copied the pvp system from Dark Age of Camelot, one of my favorite MMOs of all time, and manage to get the feel pretty close there's some stuff they could do better, but it's good enough for me to consider picking it up.

PVP makes this game if I do buy it, it'll most likely PVP almost exclusively, they got that part of the game more right than wrong. One of my biggest complaints is archer range its pathetic, Its practically impossible to shoot at people on walls from the ground or the reverse w a bow.
