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Just ordered a GTX 1080

To replace my GTX 680 - has them in stock at the moment.  Probably not for long though!  Anyway, gonna have fun upgrading this weekend.
The price is insane...Webroot must be paying you really well, or you must be moonlighting? ;)


No, seriously...enjoy! :D


Regards, Baldrick
Yeah it's pretty pricey but I've been saving up for a while. I'm on a GTX 680, so I figure buying a new graphics card every 4 years isn't a bad refresh schedule.
@ wrote:

To replace my GTX 680 - has them in stock at the moment.  Probably not for long though!  Anyway, gonna have fun upgrading this weekend.

That i so awesome Nic! :D You will have lots of fun now!
Indeed...don't laugh by my system uses a ATI Radeon HD 5770...LOL...but it still does the job...and perhaps one day I may try an upgrade. ;)


As I said, good luck with the upgrade and enjoy playing with your new toy, once installed...:D


The new cheap AMD cards coming out look like a good upgrade!

Thanks, I will have fun this weekend 🙂
Cheers, if you have a recommendation then let me know...but otherwise I will make some the appropriate time...;)
It's this one: checking it out now. :D
I am impressed Nic. I think your set up is a bit better than this one here in my man cave ;)

I will stick with mine until I change the computer I think Manufacturer    

AMD Radeon HD 8470 here
I will not go near any AMD processors or AMD ATI Graphics cards Intel and NVIDIA always. I don't even look at them if i see the AMD sticker!


Never had a single crash due to my AMD GPU in all of the 7 years I have had the current system.  It has been rock solid...but then again I don't really push it as I don't game or do anything really graphics intensive. ;)
@ wrote:

Never had a single crash due to my AMD GPU in all of the 7 years I have had the current system.  It has been rock solid...but then again I don't really push it as I don't game or do anything really graphics intensive. ;)

I'm sorry but I worked on a bunch of PC's with AMD processors and they are so slow compared to Intel's! I'm just saying I always had NVIDIA and updating drivers for the ATI's seams so much more complicated IMO on other PC's that I worked on.
I agree that AMD might be better with their GPUs than their CPUs, although their mainstay for CPUs seems to be the console market at the moment.
Indeed the AMD in my system is a GPU and the CPU is an Intel chip. ;)
