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Wild Tangent is permitted on this computer.  Restore .DLL  and let this old lady enjoy the games
Hi lbittner


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I am afraid that you post is a little too cryptic for me and that we will need a little more detail as to your issue if we are to offer some proper assistance.


Are you saying that Wild Tangent has been Quarantined or is being blocked by WSA? If so which is it as the potential solution is different in each case.


Regards, Baldrick
I too am having an error message when I try and play a game for wild tangent.The error message has alot of letters and symbols and then.DLL at the end.It also says there is something missing.Play help because this old lady wants to play too!Thanxs:)
Hello ?,


It is likely that this was caused by either a threat on the system or a false positive.

I would advise reaching out to our support team in regards to this and they can remote in and assist with this free of charge.


Support Number: 1-866-612-4227

Support Ticket:


Please don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else!


Thank you so much James G.:)
You are certainly welcome!

Don't ever hesitate to let us know if you ever have a question. We are always happy to assist any way that we can.

