Hello! I bought a new laptop through BestBuy. With it, came 6 months of Webroot Antivirus. However, every time I try to activate it, it does not show up as an actual product. BestBuy couldn’t help me, so I decided to purchase Webroot on my own. However, when I tried to purchase WebRoot’s “Antivirus for gamers” using this link; Antivirus for PC Games Without Performance Impact | Webroot ; I was hit with a “cannot be processed” error which told me to try my purchase again. So I did. Again, same issue. However, my bank was charged for the original $29.99 cost. Why do I worry I am getting scammed while trying to buy a product promising to help me prevent scams?
Please help me figure this out, as it is incredibly frustrating now having to wait for my claim with my bank to finish while still needing anti-virus software. I have been told WebRoot is the best, which is why I am here. But now I am having seconds thoughts.