
Are these WSA IP's or maybe Saavis?

  • 20 January 2014
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 3
i am blocking them and it doesn't seem to harm WSA security. Thing is, I-Blocklist has it listed as US Gov IP, which probably means it runs over Saavis. Saavis operates all US Government website, but its private company that also does other hosting for not Government entities. Any info on this would be helpful :)
best i  can tell all traffic is from WSA
this is the IP of most interest to me. The others are the WSA website and I don't mind them being blocked. But, this IP is blocked when i try to "manually update WSA" the ip is

Best answer by DanP 21 January 2014, 17:00

View original

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +35
Here is a list of URL masks for normal communications:
The actual IPs will vary for various reasons, so these are the firewall exclusions that some of our business customers will need to add for propper communication. The communication you are seeing is perfectly normal.
Userlevel 3
according to this site its Webrrots IP/ But why is it calling from software?
Userlevel 3
ya it is weird. I asked the I-Blocklist people and they said it was BOGON, or bogus ip etc...
maybe my dhcp?
either way, blocking access to that IP doesn't seem to cause any issues with protection, but im still wondering whats going on.
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
That's strange this what I get?


Webroot Community - Webroot Community

Userlevel 3
the software is dialing and

these ips are blocked when manually updating from the software. not visiting the site
what reason would WSA dial those from in app?
Userlevel 7
Badge +35
@ wrote:
i am blocking them and it doesn't seem to harm WSA security. Thing is, I-Blocklist has it listed as US Gov IP, which probably means it runs over Saavis. Saavis operates all US Government website, but its private company that also does other hosting for not Government entities. Any info on this would be helpful :)
best i  can tell all traffic is from WSA
this is the OP of most interest to me. The others are the WSA website and I don't mind them being blocked. But, this IP is blocked when i try to "manually update WSA" the ip is

That is a Webroot IP. The Webroot Community Forums that you're posting this on are hosted on that IP ;)
