
Backup CD

  • 20 February 2015
  • 5 replies

  • Fresh Face
  • 2 replies
I am about to  pay for my first time subscription because I am on the trial plan  but before I do, I noticed the backup CD offer for $9.99 .
Would that be  a backup CD that would be mailed to my home address ? Would it include a scan of everything that is on muy computer at present time including all folders and emaill address  etc. What all would it NOT include .

Best answer by WOY 20 February 2015, 20:55

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Hello and Welcome to the Webroot Community!
Don't worry about the CD we always have the Downloads links for anyone to use and it's only a 780kb download which is nothing. And if it's the one from Webroot.
Standard PC Download Link:
Mac Download Link:
And if it's a Best Buy Subscription via Geek Squad then you download from here:
Daniel 😉
Sorry , I don't understand .
When I click on that link for PC  and hit ' run' it jut takes me back to the same thing as I see when I click on the icon in the tray .
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
That's because you already have it installed so when you buy WSA all you have to do is enter the Keycode here and it will do a scan: after that is done make sure to setup your Online Account! Webroot SecureAnywhere Online Account and if you ever need to download a fresh copy now you have the links and no need for the CD also it's the same Download links for all versions of WSA for PC's and or Mac's in one little installer.
Daniel ;)

Thanks for your help Daniel.
It seems as if I need to actually purchase Webroot before that becomes available and as I was going to anywy , I will go ahead and do that and see if I can follow through with what you have supplied .
Userlevel 7
Badge +56
Great and if you have any other questions feel free to ask!
Daniel 😉
