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i have no problem getting online and accessing my account, but i have lost control over the webroot program on my system due to some sort of password problem. i can not make any changes whatsoever in the way the program behaves because i keep getting a "The password entered was incorrect." error message, this also affects the webroot toolbar in my browser as i can not access it either. Please help! Thank you for your time and consideration. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated!
Hi bogeyman459


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I think that in this case your best avennue is to https:///t5/forums/replypage/board-id/WSA-E/message-id/The password entered was incorrect so that the Support Team can take a look at you credentials, etc., in the back office systems.


Support is pretty quick and if you send them the details of the email address, etc., they should be able to sort you out.


Also, have you just renewed or purchased a new subscription, etc.?  If so then do mentione that also in the Support Ticket together with the new keycode.





Thank you very much for your timely reply! I've searched extensively through the forum only to find answers that were for a question other than what was asked! e.g. question: "What time is it?"  answer: "Today is Tuesday." But seriously, I do appreciate your input, I have already submitted the ticket before I came here to post.
No problem, bogeyman459


What I can do is to ping our most excellent Community Manager @ to see if he can uses his mystical powers to follow up on your ticket and see if it is progressing through the system, and perhaps give it a helping hand if required. :D


We are mainly volunteers here and as such have no access to any of the key or back office systems and what you are describing sounds very much, from past experience, as it the issue is rooted in those systems...hence the recommendastion that you waste no more time and open a SUpport Ticket.


I have check on a few similar threads and in most cases either Support or Moderator intervention seems to have been required to resolve the issue for the user concerned.


Do let us know what response you get from Support as and when they get in touch, or come back if you have still not had a response by tomorrow.





I will do exactly that! I believe I've seen this very problem here in the forums while researching for a solution. The example above refers to that. The answers were to try an online login and click the "forgot password" link to reset. But as I have no problem in accessing my account online that is not the issue! I've booted into safe mode eliminated the program from my system, and went through the registry with a fine toothed comb. After re-installation the problem still existed! I figure that either there was some residual component left behind in the registry that did not show up through my searches i.e "Webroot" and "Secure Anywhere" or there must be a problem with the program! Thanks again for your help!
Hi bogeyman459


I will see if I can find some information on what residual components WSA may leave behind when uninstalled.  It is possible that may be the cause but to be honest I have never come across the issue personally and I uninstall/reinstall WSA very often.


When you did the uninstall/reinstall you did unistall/reboot/clean install (without accepting any offer of importing previous settings, etc., that may have been offerred) & then rebooted BEFORE doing anything further in relation to using WSA?


Just asking as sometimes that has helped when a previous uninstall reinstall without reboots has not.






I do see that the ticket and your logs made it in, but it doesn't look like support has had a chance to get to it yet.  If you don't get a response by the end of the day then I'll ping them again.
my method was an attempt to uninstall through control panelprograms and features but webroot popped up asking for a valid password, that led me to the safe boot uninstall and cleaning the registry in safe mode. a regular boot after that process was when i re-installed. there weren't any "options" to choose from, only to set up the account (which already existed). from the webroot control panelaccess control i enabled password protection and input the working password i use to log in online, as i hate captcha's i tried disabling that option and another window popped up asking for the password...  that's when i discovered there must be a problem with the program or a residual component left behind in the registry after i cleaned it. 
As ever...many thanks for responding to the ping...oh Mighty Community Manager...sir...;)
Can you try this to see if it helps? Set to User Configuration on the PC you are having issues with and if it is already set to it set it to something else and Save and go back and put it back to User Configuration and Save again and do a couple of scans and try to access the program after 30 minutes and please let us know if that works?




Daniel 😉
Your wish is my command 🙂
Hi bogeyman459


That is very interesting information.  If you have not included this in your Support Ticket then I would recommend updating the ticket and including a link for this thread with a recommendation that Support review this to get more information as to what you have tried.  The more information that can be provided the better chance of a solution...and it saves you having to type it in again somewhere later when asked for more information...;)






Well alrighty then!!!  Many Kudos to you kind Sir (how do i do that, btw?)!!  I had no idea of that sort of online control over my system!! There were several steps involved including restarts, i set to low online and saved began a scan, canceled scan and restarted system. that gave me back control over the program but not control over the browsers webroot toolbar. maybe if i had done as you suggested ie. change the setting & save then change the setting back again & save. to regain control over the browsers toolbar i had to do an online password reset and another restart but now i have control back over the program itself and i have my browser toolbar! thanks again, M8! you have been a great help in the solution to this problem!!!  ..  now about those kudos, how do i do that???  lol
@ wrote:

Well alrighty then!!!  Many Kudos to you kind Sir (how do i do that, btw?)!!  I had no idea of that sort of online control over my system!! There were several steps involved including restarts, i set to low online and saved began a scan, canceled scan and restarted system. that gave me back control over the program but not control over the browsers webroot toolbar. maybe if i had done as you suggested ie. change the setting & save then change the setting back again & save. to regain control over the browsers toolbar i had to do an online password reset and another restart but now i have control back over the program itself and i have my browser toolbar! thanks again, M8! you have been a great help in the solution to this problem!!!  ..  now about those kudos, how do i do that???  lol

That sounds great and please try this Toolbar fix tool to see if that works? you may need to reboot after and if that doesn't work try a Clean Reinstall of WSA! Instructions below!


Can you please do a clean reinstall of WSA and Please follow the following steps closely:


  • Make sure you have a copy of your Keycode
  • KEEP the computer online for all of the following steps
  • Download a Copy Here (Best Buy Subscription PC users click HERE)
  • Uninstall WSA and Reboot
  • Install with the new installer, enter your Keycode and don't import any settings as you can set it up as you like once it's done
  • Let it finish it's install scan
  • Reboot once again
Please let us know if that resolves your issue.




Daniel 😉
yes! i will try and to that, although i'm not sure that even windows 8.1 has the ability to remain online through a reboot!! but on the sunny side i now have 2 extra tools to work with!!?!  lol
There is no possible way to stay online during reboot so no worries there just when you uninstall and reinstall but make sure to reboot in between and reboot again after reinstall! Sorry I had to leave so quicky.




Daniel 😉
Well it seems that I was a bit premature in marking a previous post as the solution! I'm very sorry about that. I have followed the instructions and did another "system cleaning" and NOW I have everything working as it should on MY end, however there is still a problem with the Webroot SecureAnywhere system on YOUR end that needs to be addressed. When I log into my control panel online and attempt to change my online login password I keep getting failures. It seems the system on your end is not allowing the password change. I believe the Webroot Community is not really the proper venue to discuss a long winded horror story so I have documented the process I went through to clean my system and reinstall Webroot SecureAnywhere. As I have purchased this machine from Best Buy I used wsabbs2.exe to reinstall the program. This is a link to the documentation
Hi bogeyman459


With regard to the kudos 'question' the answer is simple...once you know...;)


To give a post a kudo you just click on the kudo button available in the bottom righthand coner of every post:



You can only give one kudo per post...but what you give it for is up to you.  If you have already given a kudo to a post the '+' sign next the start will be replaced by a 'tick'.  The label to the left of where yo tick indicates how many kudos have been given to the post and clickiing on it takes you to a new page that shows you who has given a kudo to the post & when.


Hope that helps?...and happy kudoing.







Thank you! I knew that!!?!  lol 😉
Hi bogeyman459


No problem...thanks for coming back and sharing.  You can remove a previously given Solution Acceptance if yo want and give it to another post or even give a Solution to more than one post in a thread.


It is important to make sure that Solutions are accurately awarded as users coming to a thread for help will be sign posted to accepted Solutions, so they do need to be assigned appropriately.


The decision is yours...and perhaps in this case you should mark your own post (with the link) as a Solution.


BTW, thanks for sharing.  I have had a read of what you have offerred up and it is certainly comprehensive and will be of use in the future.






Oh, OK...apologies for taking you has been a long, and tiring week...and I am obviously not too sharp this evening.






@ wrote:

Well it seems that I was a bit premature in marking a previous post as the solution! I'm very sorry about that. I have followed the instructions and did another "system cleaning" and NOW I have everything working as it should on MY end, however there is still a problem with the Webroot SecureAnywhere system on YOUR end that needs to be addressed. When I log into my control panel online and attempt to change my online login password I keep getting failures. It seems the system on your end is not allowing the password change. I believe the Webroot Community is not really the proper venue to discuss a long winded horror story so I have documented the process I went through to clean my system and reinstall Webroot SecureAnywhere. As I have purchased this machine from Best Buy I used wsabbs2.exe to reinstall the program. This is a link to the documentation


I removed the Solution so feel free to mark the one or one's that helped if any!




Daniel 😉
@ wrote:

Oh, OK...apologies for taking you has been a long, and tiring week...and I am obviously not too sharp this evening.







Hello My Dear Sir Baldrick! You are always as sharp as a whip! So I beg to differ! 😃
Thank you! I have a new question, is it necessary for me to submit a new ticket for changing the online login password problem?

Hi bogeyman459


No, if you log back into the Support Ticket you should be able to continue or add to it.






oooops! maybe that's what the system did??!?  I don't see a new ticket!!  lol
