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I want to create a new account with a different email address, transfer my existing keycodes to the new account, and completely delete my existing account, including any extra users. My wife has an account as well and she has admin access to my account. However, I DO NOT want her account deleted, just removed from my account. I tried to create a new account but cannot proceed because when asked to enter a keycode, I receive a message saying that the keycode is already associated with another account. I have password manager active but I don't have any passwords there so I don't have to worry about that. I have already submitted a ticket and am awaiting a response but I wanted to get some response from the community as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hi sparky296,


Welcome to the Community Forum,


Please wait for the Support Team, you are going in the right direction submitting that Support Ticket. We do not have the tools to change your email or delete an account. So your best option is Support. Support is usually pretty quick but being it is the weekend you might have to wait longer.


Do let us know how things turn out for you because we use this information to help others since we are Volunteers for Webroot and we enjoy helping others.


Maybe one of our expert Forum members can add to this post as well?



Take care,


Kind Regards,
Hi sparky296


Welcome to the Community Forums.


What Sherry says is the best course of action...but I am intrigued as to what you are trying to achieve here especially from the perspective of  'keycodes'.


As I understand it (and may be incorrect here I hasten to add) whilst one is able to have multiple users & keycode under ONE account one cannot have one keycode assigned to multiple accounts so, to me, it sounds as if you will not be able to achieve what you have described unless you take out another subscription.


So perhaps we are not clear on exactly what it is you are trying to achieve?  One can add email address to an account, tailor what access levels each can have in terms of actions on the account (so you could add your email address, give it admin rights, and rescind the admin rights you wife has, plus effectively 'delete' other email addresses by changing their access rights to 'No Access', etc.).


If you could provide a little more clarity on exactly what setup yo are trying to achieve we might be able to offer further suggestions.


Regards, Baldrick
I simply want to change the email address associated with my account. And from what I understand because my email address is my login, I can't simply change my email address. And because I can't simply change my email address, I don't have a problem with creating a whole new account and delete the original account, not just add another user. Perhaps my teminology is wrong here. All I want is an account that has myself and my wife with admin rights. I already tried adding another user and realized that I won't be able to achieve my goal and now I can't simply delete that user. I guess it's mainly a cosmetic thing. I like things clean and tidy.   :D  I am no longer going to be using my original email address so therefore I don't want to have an email address that I won't be using on my account. It seems like I'm having to "go around the block to get to the neighbors house" here. It shouldn't be this complicated.


Perhaps I'm not making myself clear enough (which I thought I was). I'm getting frustrated with the complexity of this seemingly simple action.


When you say create a new subscription, are saying I have to pay for another subscription simply because I want to change my email address? That's not going to happen. I have already paid for this subscription. If you mean recreate my account with a different email address, then perhaps this is what I want to do. It won't take me long to do this and I don't have a problem doing it. If I had a bunch of passwords saved it would be a different story. But I don't so it won't be a big deal. Make sense?
Well you can add as many Consoles you like under the same Email Address and Add as many Keycodes per Console but if you need to change the email address you need to contact Support as you have been told. This is my 1 Account with many keycodes and 3 Consoles under one Email Address.




Daniel ;)




Triplehelix, I am trying to work with tech support but they can't seem to understand what I want to do either. My most recent response seemed to be a canned response. I know about creating multiple consoles under one email which I already have. I just thought I could get other input from the community and see if others have had the same issues. It should NOT be this complicated to simply change an email address.
Okay I hope you can wait till tomorrow and @ will be able to get this sorted or you can reply to support. If they can't change the email address then all you do is create a new one with a very good email address (as you don't want to go through this again) and I'm sure they can move the keycode or Keycodes to the new Online Account.




Daniel 😉
I hope so too. Although, I tried creating a new account but couldn't complete it because I needed a keycode. I tried entering my current keycode and was told it was already associated with another account. So, they will need to delete my account before I can create another, unless there's another way around that.  🙂
No only the support inbox can, so ask them again and post the link to this thread and they will understand better and be able to help you! if not then Nic will help you by getting it to the right person!




Daniel 😉
Thanks Triplehelix. I will give them the link when they reply. Perhaps I should have just asked them right up front to delete the account so I could create a new one. This certainly has been a learning experience. I will keep you posted as to the outcome. :)

Sure and we are always here to help with most issues and most of us are Volunteers so that's how much we believe in WSA!




Daniel ;)
I can't do the email change for you, but support should be able to.  It might be easier if you call in and talk rather than working by email, if they're having trouble understanding what you are asking for:
