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Hello, I'm using Firefox 58.02 (64 bit). Up until the last few days, the password manager has worked just fine. Now, all of a sudden, when I try to log in to the manager it either says it can't contact the server or it says nothing at all and just never logs me in. This is happening in Firefox on multiple computers. The manager works just fine in Chrome.
No AV is perfect. I own several (McAfee, Malwarebytes, Zelmana, Threatfire,...).

I own WebRoot for ALL ITS FEATURES, particularly the WPM.  It is my ONLY password manager since I trust WebRoot.


This has gone on way too long.  Get Firefox (and Safari) fixed.  

And more importantly, fix your process for testing releases from these vendors.  Join their development communities and test release candidates BEFORE they are publicly released.


Yes, I am yelling. I am seriously aggravated that this has gone on this long, and that WR keeps failing to correct this recurrent defect in their process. 

Q: How many times has a browser update broken their product plug-in?  

A: Too often.
Hello Everyone, 

As most of you are aware, we have a long standing partnership with LastPass and there have been some issues lately with version upgrades that is piling up issues. We have made attempts to fix individual problems while we work towards a more permanent fix. 


I am happy to share that we are moving towards a more robust solution where there will be no delays in getting the updates and our customers will always be on the latest and greatest versions while ensuring that the software is also compatible with upcoming platform and browser updates. 


As for a timeline, we are very close to completing the new integration and i will have updates for you later this month. 


Thanks for being a webroot customer. I completely understand the frustration and i am eager to share better news as soon as possible. 




@ wrote:

Yes, it is an inconvenience, but it is more than that. 

Are you going to extend everyone's license by 6 months? 

To compensate us for the 6 months that the product does not work?



I believe that is a good idea. If Webroot can't extend everyone's license then they should give everyone that wants to renew their license on "Internet Security Plus" and "Internet Security Complete" one big hell of a discount for renewing.
Hello All,


First I want to assure you that customer safety and satisfaction is of utmost importance to us. We hear you and completely understand the frustration with the delay in getting this issue fixed. We have been chasing issues one after the other with our custom solution and the problems just kept coming. We learnt that the software is simply old and it’s not feasible to keep it compatible with the fast changing technologies it needs to deal with.


We have also thoroughly researched and measured the work towards building our own password manager. As we had expected, we found that it will be a huge undertaking and maintaining the product will also require a lot of time and resources. This would take a longer time for us to even come out with a basic solution.


Bearing in mind our larger goal and core competency is to protect our customers from hackers while we keep up with the variety of threats out there that are getting more and more dangerous, we decided we should partner with the industry leader in password management and provide you with the best service.


With this partnership, you will receive the latest and greatest innovations in password management, advanced multifactor options and priority tech support which is a lot more than what we are able to offer you today. All this comes to you for no additional cost.


Request you to have some more patience while we get this integration set up for you and I assure you this will win back your confidence with Webroot. We are working diligently to bring this solution to you as soon as possible.


Hope you understand and we really appreciate you being a Webroot customer.



We’re pleased to announce that we will be releasing a new version of the Webroot®️ Password Manager extension between the end of January and early February of 2019. Powered by LastPass, the new extension will address a number of issues our customers have reported, including browser incompatibilities with Safari and Mozilla Firefox, as well as login and access issues.


Many of you have been waiting patiently for news and fixes for some time, and we want to thank you for continuing to bear with us. When we analyzed the code to determine how best to resolve these issues, we realized it would be quicker and more effective to work with LastPass on a new implementation, rather than trying to modify the older code. While the process has taken longer than we would have liked, it will help ensure solid fixes for our customers’ issues, and provide a smoother experience overall. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


Thank you again for your patience. Please keep an eye out for further announcements as we get closer to the release timeframe.
Not to jump on the pile, here, but...


Webroot should not be "pleased" to announce anything like this. More like "It is with deep regret" or "We are ashamed to admit" that it will still be another 3 or 4 MONTHS before our software performs as advertised. I may volunteer my time here, but I am a paying customer, as well, and I am not pleased at all.


For PC users, the only difference between Webroot Antivirus and Internet Security was the Password Manager. Now there is NO difference.
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot...The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming.

Robert, it is that word “honour” that in a strange kind of way chimes with me. I never thought I’d say this but … despite the fact that I still believe Webroot offers the best malware protection out there, I nevertheless find myself questioning whether I feel comfortable continuing with Webroot as my AV. There are several factors that are pushing me to question my loyalty. It’s not just the Password Manager issue and in particular the way Webroot has been handling its communications (or, rather, its non-communication) with customers regarding this problem—though certainly their apparent “lack of concern” regarding this issue does trouble me—rather that issue has been one of several issues that seem to be symptoms of a wider attitude and corporate culture that I, like you, find “alarming”.


When WSA was Prevx, in every respect the way they behaved seemed to communicate loudly and clearly that the customer was at the very centre of their whole business outlook. It sadly no longer feels that way.


I hope I shall find opportunities in different ways and through different posts in the near future to illustrate why I feel like this.


I don’t know how all this will play out for me. It may well be that I will continue with Webroot. But I fear that something sacred has been lost. And as a result it may be that, at the end of the day, I will be prepared to make some sacrifices in the area of robustness of protection if I can find another security company that values the customer more than Webroot appears to.

I have been seeing this going on for more than 2 years so it's just getting worse IMO. Maybe the CMO @ can shed some light on our concerns? Unfortunately there are to many issues going on and they look incompetent! 😞
@ wrote:

Indeed TH,as Firefox updated, and again WPM has been put in the 'Legacy' add ons and disallowed due to signing matters. WFU installed correctly.:@

Same here so Webroot will have to look after this! @


With respect, I will keep Webroot with or without WPM rather than the likes of McAfee.
Yes, it is an inconvenience, but it is more than that. 

Are you going to extend everyone's license by 6 months? 

To compensate us for the 6 months that the product does not work?


Phew! another three months or so, jeez, thank goodness when I learned how to operate computers few decades back it was essential to have a plan B due to their utter unreliability in those ancient days. This has stayed with me ever since, so when PWM became inoperative it was merely a nuisance on an annoyance scale, as I had plan B to fall back on. As the core product is so great I shall stay with Webroot and see no reason to change at the present. Just my halfpenny worth!!
@ wrote:

I believe there is an important lesson to learn here with ALL Password Managers. Always have a backup Password Manager ready to use if something goes wrong.

My routine is always having All of my Password Managers up to date and backed up.

I not only back up Password Managers I also Print a copy of all the information on the Password Manager and keep it in a safe place. I run Three Password Managers, Webroot, LastPass and Lifetime RoboForm (Non-Cloud). 


LastPass runs with a login with your Email address. Webroot is the old version of LastPass. My question is after Webroot fixes their Password Manager, people running both Webroot and LastPass with the same Email address, will those two account interfere with each other? 

That's a great question, and I'm not sure off hand, so let me ask about it since we have a meeting about PWM later today.
No kidding Sherry, I cant even manually get into my PM via my console. Keep getting an ajaxerror pop up.

Earlier in December I sent a Private Message inquiring about the status of the PM and got an " I cant say, but it looks like sometime in January " reply.


My subscription is up in a Month and my renewing it pretty much depends on how honest and honorable the suits and ties and skirts are at Webroot.

If I buy a dozen eggs at Safeway and the checker breaks a few, I shouldn't be expected to pay for the broken ones AND pay for another dozen, hoping the checker doesn't break em again.


The lack of communication and the lack of concern on Webroot part is quite alarming. I'm curious as to what sort of monetary rebate or extended period of time, Webroot sufferers will get for putting up with their Boo-Boo .


Happy New Year 😃
Sure glad I reverted back to Ver 60 of FireFox because this issue has gone on too long Thank You
@ wrote:

How about Webroot making there own? OMG this is unbelievable and I know you are only the Messenger but......... :@

Our goal for right now is to get Password Manager back to being fully operable as soon as possible. The fastest way to achieve that is to work with LastPass on a brand new build.

It's been almost 2 months and now another possible 3 months to have a working product? To me that is not Soon as Possible and again I know your only the Messenger but what a blunder on the Webroot staff that is responsible for such a mess. 😞 😞
So, does this mean that Webroot believes it's a good idea, if we want to use the password manager, for users to stay locked into the previous version of Firefox for an additional 3 months?


It seems like fixing this is not a high priority, as there has already been substantial delay, peppered with occasional teasers to keep stringing people along.
Hi Webrooters!


I was gone all day yesterday so I missed the recent posts concerning all this PW information. Looks like everyone has expressed their opinions, ideas, and I couldn't agree with you all more. I could get riled up too but it is not going to do much good right now.


As I see it we finally received information from the Management and all we can do with that is accept that this isn't going to be fixed anytime soon. So this is very disappointing but what can we do now to fix it ourselves  or to get by? Use a different browser, roll back FF, or go into the Online Account Console and do a backup of our passwords if we can? 


Webroot AV is always going to be my choice of protection for it hasn't let me down in 4 or so years.

The PWM is just one of the bells and whistles that isn't working for some and that is a shame. It isn't a perfect world. But I do think, Webroot hasn't given up on this and they are working hard to get us the PWM back to working. Sounds like it will be a much better product. I am optimistic though.


We asked for information and we got it and it was not what we wanted to hear so now what? Dealing with the now is how I am going to deal with it. I am sure Webroot will compensate all those who have the Password Manager and the time lost in our Subscriptions...
hey bjm......SHOUT SHOUT knock yourself out....yell yell loud and strong..scream scream you know what I mean; put another dime in the Webroot machine.
I believe there is an important lesson to learn here with ALL Password Managers. Always have a backup Password Manager ready to use if something goes wrong.

My routine is always having All of my Password Managers up to date and backed up.

I not only back up Password Managers I also Print a copy of all the information on the Password Manager and keep it in a safe place. I run Three Password Managers, Webroot, LastPass and Lifetime RoboForm (Non-Cloud). 


LastPass runs with a login with your Email address. Webroot is the old version of LastPass. My question is after Webroot fixes their Password Manager, people running both Webroot and LastPass with the same Email address, will those two account interfere with each other? 
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

I believe there is an important lesson to learn here with ALL Password Managers. Always have a backup Password Manager ready to use if something goes wrong.

My routine is always having All of my Password Managers up to date and backed up.

I not only back up Password Managers I also Print a copy of all the information on the Password Manager and keep it in a safe place. I run Three Password Managers, Webroot, LastPass and Lifetime RoboForm (Non-Cloud). 


LastPass runs with a login with your Email address. Webroot is the old version of LastPass. My question is after Webroot fixes their Password Manager, people running both Webroot and LastPass with the same Email address, will those two account interfere with each other? 

So they will not interfere with each other. We will have instructions on how you can merge the two accounts should you choose to go that route.

Thank you Lara. :D
@ they are both working fine here! Maybe Submit a Support Ticket and ask them to look into it!




Firefox 62 is now released:
@ wrote:

Thanks Daniel, beginning to think I had something peculiar to my system. Mops brow and pours stiff scotch.

Sure thing! It's something that Webroot will have to look after and maybe they have a quick fix already? @ @


Yes, I noticed the same thing, too, after just updating. :@


This has been going on for weeks now and the members have been told virtually nothing other than go to support, but they deserve to be told something at least even if it is not going to be a solution.


So come on will someone from Webroot do something about it, the members need help?






