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How can I get my new keycode to work on my laptop that has an expired (over 6 mos) keycode?

  • 2 October 2015
  • 9 replies

I purchased a laptop in August of 2014 and received webroot secure anywhere with it (from Best Buy).  The Keycode expired about 6 months ago and I did not renew it.  We just bought a new laptop (less than a month ago) from Best Buy and also got the webroot with it.  I downloaded from the disc and followed all the steps, entering the keycode and all my information required and it says I am not protected.  I went to the console and cannot sign in under the old information so I created a new account.  Now I cannot log in on the console.  What am I doing wrong?
Hi kdaly


Welcome to the Community Forums.


I think that this needs the attentions of our Geek Squad/Best Buy issue guru ?...hopefully he wil be along shortly to advise on this for you.


Regards, Baldrick
Good morning!


Normally, we need to refer matters to Best Buy for support, but this one gets complicated.  We have a couple of different things to do, and we MIGHT need to use both Best Buy AND Webroot Support to accomplish things.  (Best Buy will have to refer a part of it back to Webroot Support, so we might as well just skip that referral and save a day or two of time!)


1) ? Can you check with ? to make sure that his new key code has been properly activated?  Having that checked on this end will be faster and less hassle than calling to Best Buy to verify it most likely.


2) IF the new key code has NOT been activated with Webroot, AND the back of the software box has a Best Buy Serial Number beginning with "WBR", please call 1800-GEEK-SQUAD and have them correct this.


3) Once we know that the key code is correctly activated with Webroot, now Submit a Trouble Ticket to have Webroot Support handle the issue of the Account Console.  Best Buy / Geek Squad have no access to correct issues with the Console and would have to create an escalation back to Webroot, but that usually will take an extra day or two.  We might as well do it ourselves.


My suggestion is to have BOTH you old and new Consoles deleted.  You have no information that needs to be saved in the old console: about 15 days after your old key code expired the data for the Password Manager would have been deleted.  Once both Consoles have been deleted, it SHOULD free up the system for you to create a fresh new Console with the email address of your choice.


I do see the old keycode in there, as having expired Feb 15, 2015, so that part is ok, and it is indeed a Best Buy keycode.
We need to have you check the new one too if we can.   :)


Thanks Nic!
Oh sure - just PM it to me @
I cannot sign into the old console as I don't remember the sign in information.  I went through my emails to see if it was there and it wasn't.  I can delete the new one.

You might need Supports help, once we know that your key code was properly activated by Best Buy.  I want to make sure that your email address has been 'purged' from the system so that you can create both a new Console, but also a new User, to ensure that everything will work correctly.


The Password Manager, which you will have access to, is authorized by both key code AND an individual user id (email address), so it is important to make sure things are cleared correctly.
I am not exactly computer literate here.  So please be patient with me.

I was able to install webroot onto the new laptop we bought  a few weeks ago.  It is fully functioning.  Now, what I need to do is add it to my older laptop, the one that expired in February.  If I need to delete the console and do things over I need someone to tell me step-by-step exactly what I need to do.  We only had webroot once and it was an easy install.  I am sorry that I just don't understand some of the things required and where to look for them.  I appreciate all your patience with me.

Good morning :)


I think the best route will be to have Support take a look and make sure that your Account Console is properly created, and give you a hand if it isn't.  Just Submit a Trouble Ticket, there is no charge for this 🙂
