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how do i activate my renewal with a serial number?
@ wrote:

how do i activate my renewal with a serial number?

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Heres an Article KB


 Please follow these instructions Please log back into your Account. Once logged in, click your email address at the upper right hand corner. Select "Manage Keycodes" from the drop down In here you can add a Keycode. Use they Keycode on your device to activate it on the device I hope this helps, but let us know if you have any problems or questions!




Hi triofab


Welcome to the COmmunity Forums.


And just to add to what Sherry has provided...if you are referring to the use of a new keycode then you can insert/enter that by clicking on the cog/gear symbol to the right of the My Account tab in WSA main panel, and the place to enter the keycode should be on the right hand side of the page.  You just enter it and click 'Activate'.


But a word of caution...I assume that you are using the Internet Security Plus version (as you are posting in this forum?)...and if that is the case then if you use Password Manager AND you are using a NEW keycode for the renewal rather than having more time added to your existing keycode then you should Open a Support Ticket, and ask the Support Team to transfer your Password Manager data from your exisitng keycode to the new one otherwise you will lose the PM data is keyed/accessed based on keycode use.


Just include both keycodes in your Support Ticket and ask them to do the transfer.  They should be able to sort it out for you.


Regards, Baldrick
