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Every 12 hours or so Webroot puts up this annoying popup telling me that it supports windows 10.   How do I stop this?  I get offended when I've paid for software and it starts nagging me without me being able to stop it.
Hello ?


Welcome to the Webroot Community.


Sorry about the popup you're experiencing. I received the same popup but after clicking on it (which opened a Webroot webpage) it has not returned. Have you tried that? Just a suggestion. Maybe others will chime in and have others. :)


? or ?, do either of you know other ways to stop the WIN10 popup?



Actually I didn't.  I was looking for a setting that disabled these kinds of popups.  What you say may work, but philosophically then I'm being held hostage by my software.  In essence I'm being forced to view advertising materials or else I'll continue to be nagged until I do.  I don't like that.  That sort of stuff has made me drop other people's software. 
I think you will find that Webroot uses this kind of pop-up VERY rarely.  I do not think I have seen more than two over the last year, so yes, while it can be a hassle to HAVE to click to get rid of it, you will NOT be seeing that sort of pop-up very often.
I just got word that we're turning this campaign off so you should stop getting the popups. I'm also having them investigate why it is showing up repeatedly, as once you dismiss it once it shouldn't be coming back again. Sorry for the annoyance!
@ wrote:

Every 12 hours or so Webroot puts up this annoying popup telling me that it supports windows 10.   How do I stop this?  I get offended when I've paid for software and it starts nagging me without me being able to stop it.

Hello @,


I can honestly tell you that I have been using Webroot for many years and this is the first time that I have seen a popup. I simply clicked the right corner of the box to close it and it hasn't returned.


I believe that because so many consumers are concerned as to whether or not Webroot will work with Windows 10, they wanted their present customers to rest assured that if you were thinking of taking advantage of the free upgrade to Windows 10, they do not need to change anything about their Webroot program.


I hope that helps you.


Thanks ?, that is good news. I have had the pop-up for the past two days and can sympathise with ?.


Whilst not a bad idea to inform users that WSA is Win 10 compatible, we certainly didn't need constant nags!

@ wrote:

I just got word that we're turning this campaign off so you should stop getting the popups. I'm also having them investigate why it is showing up repeatedly, as once you dismiss it once it shouldn't be coming back again. Sorry for the annoyance!


You need to pass on to your decision makers that if they are going to put advertising pop ups in software that their customers have paid for they also need to implement a setting to allow the customer to turn off all said advertising.  It's not ethical to force paying customers to waste time viewing advertising if they don't want to.  It's also not good for your business as it tends to give your company and it's software a bad name.
Hi ?,


Sorry I just got to this post..I have had the Windows10 popups at least 3 times in the last two days..I normally will just click the learn more and the browser opens and then I exit out. So that's the only way that I know for that popup to stop partially. 😠
Thanks ? for replying.


As Nic has mentioned, Webroot has stopped the popups. I will have to disagree with ?'s statement about this being advertising though. If this were a popup for another company or different product from Webroot then I would agree. But software devs. use popups to display information about THEIR OWN PRODUCT all of the time. Microsoft being one. (Have you upgraded to Windows 10 yet? popups and icons in sys. tray, etc.) Many others as well.


@ wrote:

Thanks @ for replying.


As Nic has mentioned, Webroot has stopped the popups. I will have to disagree with @'s statement about this being advertising though. If this were a popup for another company or different product from Webroot then I would agree. But software devs. use popups to display information about THEIR OWN PRODUCT all of the time. Microsoft being one. (Have you upgraded to Windows 10 yet? popups and icons in sys. tray, etc.) Many others as well.



I totally agree with you @..I couldn't of said that any better!;)
@ wrote:

Thanks @ for replying.


I will have to disagree with @'s statement about this being advertising though. If this were a popup for another company or different product from Webroot then I would agree.


It qualifies more as advertising than information you need for two reasons.  First, it doesn't have anything to do with your current system or its operation; so it's not like a notification that a website you are trying to visit may have malware on it, or that you need to reboot your computer for updates to take effect.   Second, the delivery method being used, nag popups that won't go away until you click on "Learn More" and view a web page of their choosing, is exactly the same tactic used by adware.  That's not something typically used by legitimate paid for software.   If they really wanted to communicate this non-essential information to you, why didn't they just send just ONE email to you rather than put a continuing series of popups on your screen that keep interrupting your work until you bring up the webpage they want you to see?
Well I can think of other programs that uses a pop up as well. LIke System Mechanic and CCleaner..just to name a couple that I have encountered in the last 2 days!


Edit: Besides Webroot is taking care of this so I don't understand all the commotion:@
Hi Everybody & @,

Can I Suggest something which I am sure has not been tried so far. It might be that Webroot or Windows 10 might not be completely supporting each other as Windows 10 is going on regular updates for the time being.

If we uninstall Webroot and then reinstall it and run it using the compatibility with Windows 7 or Windows 8 . I am sure that it should not popup.

Well , May I have the opinion about this. ? I beleive it should work.
@_Smith wrote:

Hi Everybody & @,

Can I Suggest something which I am sure has not been tried so far. It might be that Webroot or Windows 10 might not be completely supporting each other as Windows 10 is going on regular updates for the time being.

If we uninstall Webroot and then reinstall it and run it using the compatibility with Windows 7 or Windows 8 . I am sure that it should not popup.

Well , May I have the opinion about this. ? I beleive it should work.
Nope...WSA is FULLY WIndows 10 compliant and I find it hard to believe that Micorsoft would be doing something that means that WSA has a problem running under Win 10. The various early version of v9 were assiduously tested by the beta testers here and in fcat even though the website has only recently changed to say 'Windows 10 Compatible' or words to that effect I believe that the first Windows 10 compliant version was v9.0.0.67...but I may be just a few digits out re. that.


I therefore very much doubt that a WSA reinstall will have any effect whatsoever, at least not by design.



Edit: Besides Webroot is taking care of this so I don't understand all the commotion:@


 If as a paying customer you accept this sort of thing without complaint or feedback, you will just get more of it in the future.   Now that it's been made an issue hopefully the powers that be will give some thought as to whether or not it's a good idea to continue this policy.   


I'm not angry enough to quit using their products, as long as they don't keep doing stuff like this (in which case I will go elsewhere), but if nobody tells them it's a problem then the marketing people will just keep adding more.   
I will have to respectfully disagree with you again ?.


The WIN 10 popup has everything to do with the current system considering Windows is pushing, and pushing hard (with nag screens, popups, and system icons, I might add. Is Windows not legitimate paid for software? ) to get their users to Upgrade to Windows 10. Many have taken the upgrade but have also had many questions relating to the upgrade and how it pertains to Webroot (hence the WIN 10 popup). Also, the very first time I received the popup I did nothing and it went away after a few seconds on it's own, so it wasn't forcing you to click anything, really. Like others and I have said, there is many other legitimate, paid for software that employ popups for a variety of reasons. I pay for Acronis software, it shows me popups for other products they sell quite frequently. iObit is another.


We'll just have to agree to disagree. ;)


@ wrote:
...Also, the very first time I received the popup I did nothing and it went away after a few seconds on it's own, so it wasn't forcing you to click anything, really..





That wasn't my experience.  The popup stayed on the screen until I closed it (without clicking on "Learn More").   A few hours later it came back.  I closed it again.  A few hours later it came back again.  I closed it again....  Then I started this thread.

I agree with you as Windows is trying hard to push but by the end what we know is that one of the users is facing issues with a software and Technical Support or Expertise comes in where you resolve the problem without making much of the changes in the settings of the computer.

We know that after a couple of days Webroot will come out with a solution and Windows 10 will be much more stable in terms of supporting applications. But for the time being, a solution is what it all matters in order to resolve the issue.
Why is this still being thrown around? @ has stated that the matter is closed and Webroot has removed it. If anyone would like to reboot and see if it is still an issue, then please write back. But to be redundant, it happened to me once this a.m. and I closed the box and it was gone and never returned.


I feel for those who say that it won't go away, but if you would kindly reboot, you may be surprised or may have to be a little patient.

I think the reason this is touching a nerve Theresa, is that we've had a similar issue in the past with the personalized security report popping up too often. So there's a history behind it 🙂

I have passed on the suggestion of having a way to opt out of any in-product messaging, as that is a very popular request.
Before my time, ey? Ok, that would make sense. Thanks @
Yeah it was resolved before you joined, but probably still a touchy issue to many 🙂
Only to the very sad and misguided, Nic...there are more important things in life for one to worry about. LOL!
I can empathize, as a longtime hater of popups. The new scourge is those modal boxes that pop up on websites when you visit, trying to get you to sign up or take a survey. In fact Lithium recently proposed us testing out a beta survey program, but it uses one of those modal popups so I refused.
@ wrote:

I can empathize, as a longtime hater of popups. The new scourge is those modal boxes that pop up on websites when you visit, trying to get you to sign up or take a survey. In fact Lithium recently proposed us testing out a beta survey program, but it uses one of those modal popups so I refused.
Nic, do you mean those REALLY annoying ones that come up when they detect your mouse heading up to the close tab button?  I have seen that used a bit recently, and it is incredibly annoying.
