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I have some work files that SecureAnywhere always mistakes for viruses or conflicts with my programs.  Is there a way to disable SecureAnywhere at startup?

For example, Mcafee gives you the abiltiy to disable at startup.  But, I don't see this for SecureAnywhere.  I could un-install SecureAnywhere, or disable it entirely, but I don't want to do that.  If I un-install it, then I will never install it again and ask for a refund.  It's very frustrating.


Where can I find the option to disable SecureAnywhere at Start-up?  Please help me with this.  I want to keep SecureAnywhere, but if you don't have a feature so I can stop it from auto-booting, then I just want to get rid of it.
I have some work files that SecureAnywhere always mistakes for viruses or conflicts with my programs.  Is there a way to disable SecureAnywhere at startup?

For example, Mcafee gives you the abiltiy to disable at startup.  But, I don't see this for SecureAnywhere.  I could un-install SecureAnywhere, or disable it entirely, but I don't want to do that.  If I un-install it, then I will never install it again and ask for a refund.  It's very frustrating.


Where can I find the option to disable SecureAnywhere at Start-up?  Please help me with this.  I want to keep SecureAnywhere, but if you don't have a feature so I can stop it from auto-booting, then I just want to get rid of it.
This is so frustrating. I try to stop the service in "Services", but it won't let me. I try to end process in "Task Manager", but it won't let me. I try to prevent startup in "MSConfig", but it won't let me. I try to do it within Webroot settings, but it won't let me.

Is there any way to disable this program? Even just temporarily? I don't want to have to un-install the program, just in order to do my work.

I need a clean environment to run my files. Every other program (McAfee, Adobe, blah, blah, blah) lets me disable on start-up. Webroot is the only one that does this to me. There must be an easy way.

Can someone please help me?
If you think that WSA marks some files as false positives, please open a support ticket because as per the rules of this Community, all issues related to false positives/infections have to be managed only via support directly. Webroot techies will peruse your logs which will be gathered when you open a ticket and if needed they will whitelist files in the cloud. So you won't need to fiddle with WSA in order to disable it during startup for which BTW there is no option. However you can shutdown WSA completely by right click on the systray icon and choosing Shut down Protection.
Hi tyzenker


Welcome to the forum.  Not really sure what you are trying to achieve here other than using WSA as an on demand scanner?  Which is not really its forte.  Yes, it will do that but its strength is always being on and working silently but effectively to protect your system.


Short of editingthe Registry I don't know of anyway to prevent startup but I think that it would be more useful if you could explain more as to what the details are of the "...stakes for viruses or conflicts with my programs" issues, so that we can see if we can help resolve them for you to allow you to use WSA normally?


Regards, Balders
There isnt a official way to disable WSA from running at startup and its not recommended to do it manually  If its blocking certain programs we can fix that. If you submit a troubleshooting ticket I can fix the blocked programs in just a few minutes. You can if you want temporarily disable it from running by right clicking on the taskbar icon and click on "Shut Down protection". However I would submit a ticket first as when we fix it for you we can make sure none of our other customers will have the same issue.
Thanks for both of your replies. 


Here is my problem.  And I apologize before hand for being so blunt. 


My program is running code that needs a clean system, free of any software in the background, but ONLY WHEN I RUN THE PROGRAM.  Which means, 90% of the time, I can have web root running, however, the other 10%, I need to temporarily disable it.


I can't tell you about the code we are running because it is still in stages of develpment and I'm not allowed to discuss it (as instructed by company).  This is a very normal thing.  I know you understand.

What is the un-official way to disable it?  Please help me.  Otherwise, I have to cancel my subscription and I really, really don't want to do that.
You wrote, "So you won't need to fiddle with WSA in order to disable it during startup for which BTW there is no option."


So, you are saying that there is no option to disable it during startup?  So disappointing.
Hi tyzenker


Apologies as I think that I misunderstood you.  If you are OK having WSA running 90% of the tiem then why not leave it so that it starts on boot and then you can stop protection when you want by right clicking the system tray icon and selecting the 'Stop Protection' option from the context menu that is displayed.


Will that meet your requirements?





Yes, you can't disable WSA during start up but again if you're having any issues, please contact support and they will resolve them.
@ wrote:

Is there any way to disable this program? Even just temporarily? I don't want to have to un-install the program, just in order to do my work.

I need a clean environment to run my files. Every other program (McAfee, Adobe, blah, blah, blah) lets me disable on start-up. Webroot is the only one that does this to me. There must be an easy way.

I apologize, but we do not have a 'disable on start-up' option. Our goal is to keep your system protected at all times. If you would like to temporarily shut-down Webroot, you can do so by right-clicking the Webroot icon in your system tray and selecting

Shut down Protection.
Ah OK that makes more sense, the code being generated is probably being caught by the heuristics engine. We have a couple of options.


1) Lower the heuristics level

2) Temporarily shutdown WSA while you compile new code

3) I can try to whitelist the program that you are using to complie the code


The first two you can do without any input from ourselves the last I will need some diagnostic logs from your PC to see if I can do anything on our end to see if it will help. Let me know what you want to do.


