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I just renewed Webroot for 1 year online for Internet Security Plus for 3 pc's and activated my new product code.


I would like to know how I can get credit  for 4 days I had left on my old product key.  Are there any instructions on what to do?



Thank you
Hello Joshts, Welcome to the Webroot Community!


First of all DONT worry about the following :)


In the future, please post questions releated to WSA-IS in the Forum designated for it HERE.  This area is designed for Ideas requesting new features or improvements to the software.  We DO know it is currently confusing as to where to post, you are by far not alone in posting here.  Webroot is working on that :)


Ok, now to the answer :)  Ok, not the answer, as I have to ask a couple quick questions before I can get the correct answer.


1) Did you purchase a new key code or did you renew your existing key code?


2) Was the purchase/renewal directly through Webroot, or was it through Best Buy?


Let me know :)


Hi josht


Your best bet is to Open a Support Ticket explaining what you are after and including old keycode (with 4 days remaining), new keycode, etc. and see what they say.


Having said that the keycode runs regardless of whether yo are using it or not once activated and so I suspect that although you started using the new keycode with 4 days left on the old keycode they would now have expired because your switch to a new keycode does not stop to coundt down on the old keycode.


See what Support have to say about this  but I believe that I am correct in tems of what I have said above.








PS.  You should really have posted this in one of the WSA forums rather than in the ideas exchange which is really for Feature requests...;)
Davidp1970, I purchased a new product key. I wanted to renew but I guess I missed something somewhere and received a new key online directly through Webroot.. I was checking to see where to renew directly. I did not renew via BestBuy because they bundle products. Thank you for the directions to where to post questions. I will try it out and see what is there. Baldrick, I am new to the forum and could not find out where to post the question. Thank you for the advice.
As you purchased a new key code, and it was not through Best Buy, please follow Baldrick's advice... It is Trouble Ticket time :)


You need to ask to have the days of the new key code added to the days of the old one.  That way you will not need to change key code within your installed products and it will make keeping services such as Mobile device protection and Password Manager if you use it far easier to keep running without additional assistance.  Key code changes can toss quite a bit of a wrench in the works of those services.
Hi josht


No problem...being in a new place can be confusing. ;)


Open the Support Ticket and let the Support Team know your situation, as I suggested, and see what they can do for you in these circumstances.


I hope that I am incorrect re. my view of the countdown of the keycode but best to check with the experts.







Drop me a Private Message with your keyoce and if its definetely a Webroot Keycode I`ll see if I can add days onto


Thanks Rakanisheu!
Cheers, Roy


Nice one...let's hope that you can do the 'save'.




I found your support ticket, due to the way our system works I wasnt able to add 4 days so I added 30 days instead.



Thanks Roy!
Roy, you are then Man!  Nice one.
You're the best Roy.:)
Thank you,

I appreciate the quick response and the good advice from the community. Web Root is a very good product and I know the suggestions sent in by the community will be incorporated in Web Root if deemed acceptable.

Good job to all the hard workers of the Web Root system.

I will be checking the problems and solutions submitted for possible use.

Thanks again for the help from the community .

I now know where to post problems. I have the link.
Hello joshts, I must of missed your post. Just want to WELCOME you to the WSA Forum and hope you return and join us for we have fun and learn from each other and we all are Volunteers of sorted experience in the WR knowledge area.

Come on back when you just want look around or jump in with us with ideas or solutions!

