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This is an open discussion and something for Mike Potts, David Bennett, Hal Lonas, Chad Bacher, John Post, Melanie Williams, Ryan Howe and Gary Hayslip to ponder on.


Here in your own words are the " OUR VALUES " which you claim to stand for.

Integrity--Customer Success--Excellence-- Innovation--


" Webroot is passionate about protecting businesses and consumers from Cyber threats. We are the smartest and best at combating today's most complex cyber security challenges and are constantly anticipating how to extend the value of our threat identification, prediction,and remediation to the connected World ".


Now ; in regards to Password Manager, how would all of you honestly rate your performance when comparred to your " Stated Values " and your " About Webroot " declaration ?
Try to stay optimistic that they find a fix. In the world of more than 40,000 transistors in the diameter of a human hair and trillions of lines of code things are more complicated than ever. I think the values are still there. They are trying to fix it. Its hard because the PW manager is not theirs. Its also stated that you solely are responsible to remember your passwords in the event that something like this happens. To me its irresponsible of the individuals and companies that put all their credential responsibilities in others hands. You should always have a way back into your accounts through "forgot password" and if not (corporate environments) there should be a system administrator that should be able to help.
Fret not pbcompgeek, I am optimistic but optimism  depends on what someone has to remain optimistic about. Considering that there has been nothing but silence from those in charge of Webroot, my optimism with their attention to Password Manager is dissolving.


As far as remembering passwords, I have my passwords documented on other means aside from the Password Manager.Its a good thing I do considering the lack of attention we have received from Webroot. For the record, Webroot was unable to acknowledge my current keycode claiming it had expired and my access was denied. I could not access Password Manager through my console and had to revert to those; other means.

In fact my keycode was, and is valid, and is so for a number of Months.


Manually entering passwords for each Website is a slight inconvenience I was willing to deal with.

What is getting not so comforting to deal with is the complete lack of communication from officials at Webroot. Id call that downright rude of them.... wouldnt you ?

Yes sir. I appologize. I was tired when I wrote that and after reading it now it reads a bit unfriendly. I'm really sorry to hear this but I'm positive they are working on it with all the posts about it and I'm sure you will get a response soon.

Hope everything goes well for you and again I appologize. I only want to make friends here.
Hi pbcompgeek, I was not offended at all by your post. No apology was needed but its accepted with no grudge on my part. I also didn't consider your reply unfriendly, but to the point. This Password Manager hick up comes at the same time as I consider re-upping another year of Internet Security protection.


Their lack of communication is what ticks me off and sometimes I think I'm the only grape that went into making  the bottle of wine.

Ive made some friends too while being a Webroot subscriber so any harsh wording on my part is not intended or to be taken personally.


extremely unhappy
Greetings rwhit1983, Its no secret that I have been an outspoken critic of Webroot Management and their lack of communication and downright rudeness in keeping us up to date  with the Password Manager fiasco.


With that said, I am seeing a bright light in the tunnel of doom. Webroot Management has recently touched base with not only the Password Manager issue but with the Webroot Filtering Extension as well. I believe my critical opinion was based in part to my lack of knowledge when it comes to computers and their intricate workings.


It turns out that I am not to only Olive that went into making the EVOO. Many other "Olives" are involved with its creation. I'm willing to give Webroot the benefit of the doubt that they are diligently working behind the scenes to mend all issues we have, and are experiencing. I firmly believe their intention is to continue making Webroot and its various services, the Benchmark of Internet Security.


I just think the total lack of transparency is disturbing. When most major companies have an issue, they make it very clear they are working on it, and are usually able to provide clear estimates on fixes. If your services are not working, it is your duty to inform the people who are paying for your product as to the issue promptly, and not to hide the problem in hopes the world doesnt see what is happening, which is what it feels like is happening here. 


These poor reflections on the way the company chooses to conduct its business makes me doubt their true ability to provide their services properly. It seems like what is basically an IT company should not have such longstanding IT problems to me. Id feel a lot less irritated if it didnt feel like the company was going out of their way to not be helpful and try and hide the issue from the public because it would hurt their reputation TBH. 


Maybe im just being grouchy, but thats my take on it

I feel the key to healing this could be Lara on the Webroot team, a very helpful, friendly, positive and communicative lady. You would not be so aware of this, @, as she has been responding only on the Beta channel so far (and only just recently), to similar malcontent expressed there. But in terms of communications between Webroot and beta users, things are beginning to move in a quite positive way as a result of her helpful initiatives.


In the past we had @, who used to take care very well of everyone, beta and non-beta alike, on the Community Forum but he has now left the company and since then no-one has really stepped into his shoes. It would be wonderful if someone like her would be allowed to devote a bit more time here, so Webroot could keep us users informed and therefore happy bunnies. To my mind, this would be a positive and reassuring thing for us users. To my mind also, this could only be a positive thing for Webroot. Money well spent. Imho.


@ ??


Wanted to chime in here and apologize for our lack of communication as we do aim for transparency. The password manager is in the works to be fixed, and I am attempting to liason your voice with the product team as much as possible.


Also want to say that I really appreciate everyone posting their honest critique, without it we wouldn't know how/where to improve. Going to be working on a method to increase communication and transparency here very soon. Ideally a Google doc or something where I can post live updates as they are worked through, and you all can post feedback as you see fit. Still some items to work through on this idea, so please reserve expectations, however I feel this can greatly impact our current communications (or lack there of).
We shouldnt have to be telling them to communicate this issue. Its not the employees who should have to tell the company they need to have standard practices in order to take care of their customers. Were it not for the community here wondering what the hell was going on, we wouldnt even know there was a problem with more than our own individual account.


I see posts going up on Twitter and Facebook from Webroot about secutiry and other marketing tactics, but no even attempted update to inform the community of this issue. Almost every major technology company in the world goes immediately to long lengths to reach out and inform the world of problems, so should they be experiencing them, the world knows they are being worked on. 


It all feels unprofessional to me, and its frustrating to be paying for a service where the company doesnt seem to give a shit about its clients.
I'm afraid I have to agree with you, @.


But I'd like to look on the bright side and hope that someone like Lara can somehow get through to upper management and let them know what's going on.


I'm so worried that, by not informing customers of what is going on and what is being done to remediate this, customer confidence could, as we speak, be being shaken and this could potentially seriously damage Webroot's bottom line, thus significantly damaging Webroot as a company.


Thanks, Lara :D


And I think the idea of a Google doc for Community Forum users with live updates from you on progress by Web dev in resolving the Password Manager issue is a great idea.


But I do think that it would also be a very good idea to send out a mail to all (potential) users of Password Manager—those using the Internet Security Plus and Internet Security Complete versions, I think? I can't say regarding Business Users—would also be highly desirable. It seems to me that whenever there is a breakdown of a critical component of the security package, it is essential to keep your relevant customers informed.


Apart from the question of basic civility:


@ wrote:

What is getting not so comforting to deal with is the complete lack of communication from officials at Webroot. Id call that downright rude of them.... wouldnt you ?

if we just look at this issue from the bottom line, I dread to think how many customers using your currently Firefox browser broken Password Manager may be feeling just plain p*ss*d off with Webroot, may be considering your security package unfit for purpose, and therefore may be thinking of permanently abandoning it and be currently looking for another solution. If there are such people out there, if they knew what was going on, if they knew that they had a company that is prepared to fess up, knew that they had a company that respects them as valued customers by keeping them informed, their attitude might be very different.


That's how I see it anyway—for what my perception and conclusions (right or wrong) are worth or not worth...


@ wrote:



Thanks, Lara :D


And I think the idea of a Google doc for Community Forum users with live updates from you on progress by Web dev in resolving the Password Manager issue is a great idea.


But I do think that it would also be a very good idea to send out a mail to all (potential) users of Password Manager—those using the Internet Security Plus and Internet Security Complete versions, I think? I can't say regarding Business Users—would also be highly desirable. It seems to me that whenever there is a breakdown of a critical component of the security package, it is essential to keep your relevant customers informed.


Apart from the question of basic civility:


@ wrote:

What is getting not so comforting to deal with is the complete lack of communication from officials at Webroot. Id call that downright rude of them.... wouldnt you ?

if we just look at this issue from the bottom line, I dread to think how many customers using your currently Firefox browser broken Password Manager may be feeling just plain p*ss*d off with Webroot, may be considering your security package unfit for purpose, and therefore may be thinking of permanently abandoning it and be currently looking for another solution. If there are such people out there, if they knew what was going on, if they knew that they had a company that is prepared to fess up, knew that they had a company that respects them as valued customers by keeping them informed, their attitude might be very different.


That's how I see it anyway—for what my perception and conclusions (right or wrong) are worth or not worth...



That's a really good idea, I'll ask around and see how possible it is pull a list of PM users to that effect.


I agree with you on your other point as well, our customers deserve stronger communication. I'll do what I can to make an impact in the direction of transparency and proactive information, and thank you for taking the time to write out all of that, I really do appreciate it!
@ wrote:

...see how possible it is pull a list of PM users to that effect...
Even better 😃
been a month now, not a peep. lol. what a joke
@ wrote:

been a month now, not a peep. lol. what a joke

True. I'm afraid :(


And the idea of sending an email selectively to all those who are using Webroot Password Manager, @see this link (or even better, just to those who are using the FIrefox extension)? What happened to that (excellent) idea?


I know you aren't the one who ultimately decides, Lara, and so it is maybe not your fault, but it is discouraging when we are encouraged with the real possibility of initiatives like this, building up our hopes that Webroot is going to redeem its communication failures, and then they just seem to fall by the wayside, without any further word of explanation. Webroot, by its lack of communication, is failing its customers. Not good for anyone, least of all Webroot.


Sorry to be blunt, but I don't think I'm the only person who thinks this way...
@ wrote:

@ wrote:

been a month now, not a peep. lol. what a joke

True. I'm afraid :(


And the idea of sending an email selectively to all those who are using Webroot Password Manager, @see this link (or even better, just to those who are using the FIrefox extension)? What happened to that (excellent) idea?


I know you aren't the one who ultimately decides, Lara, and so it is maybe not your fault, but it is discouraging when we are encouraged with the real possibility of initiatives like this, building up our hopes that Webroot is going to redeem its communication failures, and then they just seem to fall by the wayside, without any further word of explanation. Webroot, by its lack of communication, is failing its customers. Not good for anyone, least of all Webroot.


Sorry to be blunt, but I don't think I'm the only person who thinks this way...

Yeah so I've been having meetings with folks all over the company to get this escalated. Finally have everyone on board, and at this point I'm waiting for the statement from product. I'll make a separate thread about it and link to it from here once it's up. Should shed some light on what's going on.
crickets. Well done guys, youve lost a household of long time users, as well as many of our friends. Good luck to everyone here. Its insane to me a company can have a longstanding issue like this without fixing it or even ever publicly addressing it. 
I've uninstalled Webroot even though there is nearly a year left in my subscription. It appears the company isn't interested or hasn't the resources to address the issue.
