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In the process of setting up a new laptop, it’s been a while since I’ve had to delete/deactivate a device from my Webroot console, I start by clicking on the “My Account” box within the Webroot app on one of my laptops (see Pic 1). Clicking that box takes me to ; I don’t recall ever conducting any business here. I eventually manage to log on and get to a somewhat user un-friendly page that lists my currently protected machines with names I don’t remember assigning (Pic 2). I’m not entirely convinced this page is legit even though I reached it directly through a link within my Webroot app. After some futile attempts at getting some actual customer service I stumbled across another page that looks way more familiar/legit ( ); it also has my machines listed with names that I remember assigning (Pic 3). Aside from the assigned computer names all the other info (keycode, version) indicates this is the same account on each page. My big question is why in the world is my Webroot account accessible from two different sites and why is one displaying info slightly off from the other? Was one of these pages supposed to get phased out and it never happened? More worrysome is that the page which appears to be less legit is the one that’s easier to access through my Webroot app.

Pic 2
Pic 1


Hello @evermod22 

The first link you posted is the new console.

The second link you posted is the old console.

If you already have an active keycode on the old console, use the old console.

On the old console there is so much more you can do on it. I’m using the old console and I hope it doesn’t get phased out because the new console has basically no commands for your computers, you can’t deactivate, run scans or anything with the new console.

If you’re running the old console log into the old console on your new computer and use the download link in the old console:




Dave - thanks so much for verifying, thought I was losing it or Webroot got hacked. That new console really sucks and seems like 3 giant steps backwards vs the old/far better interface. Two different consoles is one thing but I still don’t understand why the “new” console is showing different names  for my currently covered devices. To be honest, I don’t know how much I care because if the plan is the phase out the old/better console I just might drop Webroot altogether considering how frustrating it was to even find out what the hell was going on and that it’ll probably get worse.

Dave - thanks so much for verifying, thought I was losing it or Webroot got hacked. That new console really sucks and seems like 3 giant steps backwards vs the old/far better interface. Two different consoles is one thing but I still don’t understand why the “new” console is showing different names  for my currently covered devices. To be honest, I don’t know how much I care because if the plan is the phase out the old/better console I just might drop Webroot altogether considering how frustrating it was to even find out what the hell was going on and that it’ll probably get worse.

You don’t have to use an Online Console for Consumers I know many that don’t use it. It’s an option to some users but I have all my Keycodes still on the older console as I have no need for the new one unless I get a new keycode. Up to you..



Well, the only time I go to the console is to add or remove a device; there isn’t another method for doing that, is there? I don’t replace devices all that often so I expected some changes to have occurred since I last pulled up the console. I have to say it’s really off-putting to click a link in the app and end up at an unfamiliar console where devices are listed w/unfamiliar names; on top of that the new console seems kind of lame, confusing and useless to me. I’m just glad I was able to finally find a way to access the old console where everything made sense again. My coverage ends this October so I may just switch rather than renew based on this recent bad experience.

Well, the only time I go to the console is to add or remove a device; there isn’t another method for doing that, is there? I don’t replace devices all that often so I expected some changes to have occurred since I last pulled up the console. I have to say it’s really off-putting to click a link in the app and end up at an unfamiliar console where devices are listed w/unfamiliar names; on top of that the new console seems kind of lame, confusing and useless to me. I’m just glad I was able to finally find a way to access the old console where everything made sense again. My coverage ends this October so I may just switch rather than renew based on this recent bad experience.

Well if you are using many systems as I said: “ It’s an option to some users” so any new keycode you would have to use the new Console in which I have not used so I can’t say but I don’t hear many good things about it.


Sorry to see you leave maybe @TylerM might have a another BrainStorm? WSA is a great Product and some great internal features are coming soon and part of it is out already.


